
Employee renewed his grace period but it shows us still as guarantor.


We terminated our employee's visa last month. His grace period of 30 days got over.He renewed his grace period and sent us the receipt. In that receipt, it's showing we are the guarantor.How is this possible? Shouldn't it be done by new guarantor/sponsor. We did not sign anything.I checked NPRA's website: Grace Period Requirements. I contacted NPRA but didn't get a proper response.We don't want to take any guarantee for this person. What should be done to remove this or how does this even work?From other people I heard it has to be done by new guarantor/sponsor.

See also

Visas for BahrainApply Visa Transfer Manually in LMRA Sanabis branchWhere check travel ban or immigrationLocal transfer been rejected twice- related to Public ProsecutionBahrain golden visa