UK Election to be held on 4th July
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Its going to be 6 weeks of torture watching the news.....
Its going to be 6 weeks of torture watching the news.....
Not to worry, we've also got Trump's trials to catch up on. Summing up on the Hush Money/Business Records next week, then the jury will deliberate. I've been following it each day and while there's huge speculation on this and that, it seems to averaging out opinion wise that the Teflon Don will be found guilty. He could even end up convicted of a felony. Would it mean jail time? Who knows!
What I'm really disappointed in is the immunity trial. They are dragging their feet on even setting a trial date.
Bring back National Service? And make it an election pledge?
The man must be nuts.
Bring back National Service? And make it an election pledge?The man must be nuts. -@zif
It's fairly typical that the Tory base will think all youth is feckless and needs to be micro-managed.
I'm probably the kind of voter the Tories would want to on their side. I'm definitely not that but I'm not all that bothered by the concept as I was voluntarily in the Royal Air Force as a grunt. My time there was a phase I got over.
But it's not a waste of time doing that kind of public service for a couple of years. I know how to shoot/lob grenades/fight, march, camp, dig holes, work with others - stuff like that. Quite useful skills overall when there's a zombie apocalypse or invasion by the Russians.
As for the feckless youth, I've got 4 kids, 3 of them are academically oriented and do well. 2 of them are finished with education and are out working and doing their own thing - job done. The other two are in the pipeline.
There is no way any of them is going to be long term lazy and need to be told how to brush their teeth and iron their clothes. And yes, they even teach that in the military.
They should make serving in the military more attractive and not try and do it by the back door. The cuts to the military has been atrocious. They have mismanaged that. Poland has the right idea - they will end up with the most properly equipped military in Europe.
Oh, and I tried to get our 18 year old on to the electoral roll in the UK. Refused. Yet, now they now send e-mails saying our kid should register to vote. Yes, we want to participate according to the recent law change but the authorities turned us down. Stupid people.
It's not going to be compulsory though.
It's not going to be compulsory though.
I think there will be elements which will be compulsory. I think there's a 16-18 year old compulsion for further education. James Not-So-Cleverly said it would be in the same framework. Hard to believe anything that bloke says.
Despite all that, UK needs to ramp up its military and by that I mean professional military. And this isn't the way to do it. They need committed people who really want to serve.
I'm sorry to say that war with Russia and Iran is almost certainly on the way.
I don't think China will get involved. It'll wait until it sees who's the last man standing.
Not compulsory? Here's the lede in the Guardian:
"The Conservative campaign pledge to introduce mandatory national service was dreamed up by advisers and sprung on candidates, a government minister has said."
Not compulsory? Here's the lede in the Guardian:
"The Conservative campaign pledge to introduce mandatory national service was dreamed up by advisers and sprung on candidates, a government minister has said."
Recent TV interviews have revealed that it will not be compulsory. It can't be, all Government's since Options for Change (mid 90's) have done their utmost to finance public spending by selling off the Defence Estate. One example would be Aldershot, which has gone from being the home of the British Army to having virtually no Army presence. Others include Hounslow and Longmoor, all have gone; the relevance, they were all significant training assets that the Army would need in order to train recruits. The accommodation/facilities that remain have not been maintained adequately.
Not compulsory? Here's the lede in the Guardian:"The Conservative campaign pledge to introduce mandatory national service was dreamed up by advisers and sprung on candidates, a government minister has said." -@zifRecent TV interviews have revealed that it will not be compulsory. It can't be, all Government's since Options for Change (mid 90's) have done their utmost to finance public spending by selling off the Defence Estate. One example would be Aldershot, which has gone from being the home of the British Army to having virtually no Army presence. Others include Hounslow and Longmoor, all have gone; the relevance, they were all significant training assets that the Army would need in order to train recruits. The accommodation/facilities that remain have not been maintained adequately. -@Cynic
Yes, it's really been decimated.
My Dad was in Aldershot and later was stationed in Arborfield. He was in the REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers). I think the land there was sold off for housing - I haven't been that way for years.
And all these national service people have to be fed, watered, housed and trained to be effective. They'll have to re-open mothballed bases. Not seen any of that taking place, except for asylum seekers.
I just heard on the radio that 300K youths will reach the required age each year. The UK military right now has a headcount of 180K. Apparently they are suggesting 5% will be accepted into the military which is only about 5K more than the 10K that join each year. That doesn't sound like much of a ramping up. The Tory plans are to build up over some period, like 10 years. That's not going to work. They need to have ramped up numbers a sizeable chunk by the end of this year 2024, middle of 2025 latest.
New gear, increase in salaries, re-signing bonuses, better housing. Seems obvious. Better budget too - Poland is on 3% and they are seriously under threat. We need to be on like 5% to seriously make a dent in any of it and just to catch up on the years of underspend.
The Daily Mail says it will be compulsory:
"Rishi Sunak tonight defended his 'bold' plan to make teenagers do National Service . . .The Prime Minister said the policy, which will see 18-year-olds forced to either sign up to the military or cyber defence force, or undertake unpaid community work, would make society 'more cohesive' and strengthen the UK's defence.
"Ms Trevelyan [Foreign Office minister] told Sky News it would be down to a Royal Commission to decide the scope. But she added: 'Fundamentally the Prime Minister has been clear this would be for the vast majority of our young people, our 18 year-olds, this would be a mandatory part of both their continued education and journey to adulthood.'"
For gawd sake don't ever get your news from the Daily Mail.
Well, until you manage to post something more reliable backing your assertion it won't be mandatory, I'll stick with the Guardian and DM.
All UK press (print and broadcast) is at best politically opinionated, and with the possible exception of the headline, be regarded as biased in favour of their political leaning. with some considering this farce in that way. If it’s important to you, do your own research.
@Cynic Just my view, presidents hould not be over 65,yes they have experience, but they make mistakes as well (quite a lot), In the UK in any case no elderly to be ib charge. (In the past I was arrogant, but even at 62 I am not able to govern)
At 40 I was good, even at 50 it was fine.
@Cynic Just my view, presidents hould not be over 65,yes they have experience, but they make mistakes as well (quite a lot), In the UK in any case no elderly to be ib charge. (In the past I was arrogant, but even at 62 I am not able to govern)At 40 I was good, even at 50 it was fine. -@cdw057
I agree with you regarding age and National responsibility; I'm 13 years younger than Biden, but recognise his frailties - both physical and mental. I would place Trump and Putin in the same box.
Not only that, but I used to think the British House of Lords was a good method in as much it promoted the elder, experienced social/political leaders into a debating group that would nag the consciousness of the elected government, but not be able to mess about with the will of the people, but recently, that has just become a shouting house.
Anyway, this conversation has no place in the Hungary forum, so I shall withdraw before the Admin lady takes a dim view of it.
Have a great day all of you, I'm off to the shops.
All UK press (print and broadcast) is at best politically opinionated, and with the possible exception of the headline, be regarded as biased in favour of their political leaning. with some considering this farce in that way. If it’s important to you, do your own research. -@Cynic
At least mainstream media is regulated. And they have to triangulate their sources before publishing.
Otherwise, we're into territory of any herbert with a smartphone posting their rants or hobby issues and call it journalism.
I'm monitoring the following channels: BBC, Euronews, France24, CNN, MSNBC and The Economist.
Sometimes I look at United24 for their Ukraine video reports - if I see one in passing.
Out of all of those that are somewhat rabid, MSNBC is probably the worst and CNN isn't far behind. BBC is bit too polite, Euronews is quite dull as is France24.
Most objective is The Economist. So much so, I actually pay for it.
It's turning a bit dark for me. Nigel Farage is on the radio a lot. Somehow he's become very extreme. If Trump's a winner, Farage might end up being UK Ambassador to the USA. Pffff....
Well, until you manage to post something more reliable backing your assertion it won't be mandatory, I'll stick with the Guardian and DM.
Daily Fail has such a bad reputation nowadays, I've stopped reading it.
Guardian is more professional for sure.
@Cynic Just my view, presidents hould not be over 65,yes they have experience, but they make mistakes as well (quite a lot), In the UK in any case no elderly to be ib charge. (In the past I was arrogant, but even at 62 I am not able to govern)
At 40 I was good, even at 50 it was fine.
I'm 63 (still) and I agree with you.
Re: Biden and Trump, anyone who wants to take on such responsibilities at their advanced ages must have something wrong with them.
If I could I'd retire. I would like to enjoy my kids, hang out with Mrs F, do my DIY, talk to the dog etc while I still can. One has to be thinking about the time one might have left.
I'm on the verge of having no passion for making a difference. All the projects I have work wise are looking the same, So much so, it's turning into Groundhog Day.
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