National passport renewal while waiting for Belgian ID card

Hello everyone,

I have a question as stated in the subject. Essentially, I am currently waiting for my new Belgian ID card decision for which I applied with my current (foreign) national passport. My passport will expire soon, although sometime after the supposed date of the decision on my ID card. But I want to be safe and apply and possibly already get my new passport before the approval of the new ID since it is often recommended to have a new passport 6 months before the old one expires.

So I wonder if I applied for my new ID card with one passport but when I go pick up/follow up for my new Belgian ID with a new one, if it will create any issues? From what I know, I might not have my old passport with me after I obtain the new one.

I could not find any info online or maybe it is self-evident. But I would appreciate any comments. Thanks!

It has no effect. You can renew your national passport, no issue.

Thanks for such a quick answer. I guess indeed, they do not care as long as it is an officially recognised identification document with the same biodata...