Request for information : reverse change phone

Hi. How can I make a reverse change phone call from HCMC Vietnam to Australia

Hello chriskolev1,

Have you tried reaching out to your service provider for assistance? They may have specific instructions or services available for making reverse charge calls from HCMC, Vietnam, to Australia.


Cheryl team

    Hi. How can I make a reverse change phone call from HCMC Vietnam to Australia

These days you have advantages that were not available back when landline telephones were basically the only way the average person could communicate over long distances.

Send an email or SKYPE message and request that the person call you.

if you're calling a private company or government agency, it may very well have a toll-free number, or a special number listed for reverse charge phone calls.

When those are available they are usually listed on the company website.

Check X (Twitter) to see if there is a support profile for the company.

Also check Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp to see if they have a listing.

Personally, in all my time here I've never heard of anyone successfully placing an international reverse charges phone call, except during the war when placing calls through HAM radio operators.

Good luck!


    Hi. How can I make a reverse change phone call from HCMC Vietnam to Australia

You cannot.

    skype         -@Luckydratsab

With Skype, people are able to make calls to any toll-free numbers, from Vietnam. It has been an absolute godsend to me.

From what I understand, though I've not tried this, you are able to load cash to your Skype account and pay for calls to non-toll-free numbers.

From what I understand, though I've not tried this, you are able to load cash to your Skype account and pay for calls to non-toll-free numbers.
    -@Aidan in HCMC

Absolutely true (I keep $20.00 USD in my SKYPE account in case of emergency).

However, my sense of the OP's problem is that they can't even afford that, otherwise, there are tourist sims available with preloaded international minutes.

Someone may be broke in paradise.

I'm shocked!

Viber   Use it all the time for overseas calls.    With a good internet connection, quality is like next door.