Medical tests for 10-year retirement residency permit

As a 66yo Brit, after three weeks in Ma uritius, I'm 100% sure I want to emigrate here and spend the rest of my (hopefully many!) days here.

A question on medical tests for a 10-year retirement residency permit. I'm aware that three tests must be carried out in Mauritius, but what abour the others, about seven, from memory? Am I right in thinking private clinics can arrange all these tests, including chest X-ray?If so, any ballpark total cost? Thanks.

All your medical must be done in Mauritius. I went to the Grande baie clinic for mine. Blood tests are nil by mouth . You only need to get the medical done once you have the approval on principle. Check out EDB website or call them, they are very helpful.

@wenris Thanks very much. Not sure what you mean by "Blood tests are nil by mouth".


Fasting overnight

@Tookays Ah, of course - thanks!