Starlink usage in Mauritius?

Hi all,

I am just curious, given how good Starlink has gotten over the years (my parents use it at their home in Canada where there is no fiber/high speed internet available) might this be a good way to go over the local ISPs?  I believe they pay about 3500 rupees (converted for convenience) a month for unlimited up/downloads.  I believe it is as fast if not faster than anything that I have seen in any of the places I have stayed locally in Mauritius - although the ping might not be quite as good (satellite ping would probably be higher than fiber but if you have faster up/down and slower ping that may still be a good trade - not to mention unlimited).  Security/privacy wise it is also one step removed from interference from government (maybe not an issue in Mauritius but an issue in other countries).

Anyone using it or are the domestic ISPs good/great so no need to consider Starlink?