Do I need to apply for a different card after divorce?

Hello everyone,

I am divorced and f+ card holder. I am still so confused and broken so I am gonna start with this. I booked a flight to my home country to visit my family.    Upon the last step(immigration I believe)before boarding the plane,the police was chatty and even greeted me with my native language. He asked were  my husband is and why I am flying alone(I  still carry my ex husband last name which for  some is raar) So I said I am divorced and that's where all the questions began. The police called to someone on the phone I don't know who and asked about my situation (at this point I was already in panic).I  think in my understanding he said I am not entitled anymore to have the f+card because I am already divorced.  He also said I could go ahead and board the plane but I would need a visa to come to Belgium again and that's where I lost it. I decided to NOT board the plane because I was in distress and I panicked.  QUESTIONS are : Is it gonna be a problem for me? Can they take away my rights to stay? Can they deport me because of this? What is the best thing to do with my situation? I have stable job and income! I live here for 7 years and 5 months already. I may not be born here but this my home now. I hope someone can help with some answers.

Contact the immigration office.

@Babitha De Ruyter

And on top of that, get an immigration lawyer. With your length of stay youshoulf be already a permanent resident. Take out the L or B card in my opinion

@Rd Devils hooray,thank you!

@Babitha De Ruyter,thank you!

@Rd Devils hooray, what are my chances if I go for citizenship?

@Cris L From the Belgium social orientation and integration which we are doing right now which is for you to know your right and responsibilities in Belgium clearly stated that F+ is a permanent resident without conditions. so anyone threatening you is against your right. You need to get a lawyer. find attached the image obtained from the course where it  is clearly stated here  d0LCGLL

the link to the image of the social orientation course where different types of card and there limitation are specifiedd0LCGLL

@Chris664,the police who checked my boarding pass, passport and identity card at the airport said, since I am divorced and my identity card is still under a FAMILIELID EU (which I don't have anymore because I am divorced) I would have to get a visa to get in Belgium again.

@Cris L that's weird.  i don't think that is fair. i strictly advice you to get in touch with immigration lawyer

@Chris664,thank you.  I will call the immigration.

Hi! you're already a permenant resident so nothing to worry about it! You should be able to keep your current card but in the worst case they might give you another permenant resident card with would not change your situation at all. Just get in touch with a lawyer as others stated. It will be all fine. I understand the stress you had, its really normal but you're safe! A lawyer can solve for you quiet easily.

Also, it is quiet strange that they asked you this question! Because you're not obliged to travel with your family member. I am an F card holder and i went to my home country also without my partner and nobody questioend that. for instance you just want to go alone, why it should matter ? Or you don't have your vacation at same time, why should it matter ? It's really strange that they questioned this.


Hi! I think it was a friendly question that is why I gave honest friendly answer. I didn't know it would cost me a huge problem,money and worries 😅.  I had also the confidence that since I have the F+card I would be OK even though I am divorced. I  also thought nobody would question why I still have my ex husband's last name. It was never a problem before! Yesterday I went to the city hall and they said there should be no problem with me going to my home country and going back because I have the permanent residency. Good news is while I'm at the city hall I also asked if i could apply for citizenship. Turned out I could and they gave me a list of what they need from me.😄

@Cris L

Thats great! you should definetly apply.

Ahh, i see! They asked in this way.. I would give the same answer as you also. But good news that you're all set.