
Food Truck Business in Puerto Rico - Permits, Inspections etc…

Last activity 04 July 2024 by Leealbert

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Hello everyone! I originally posted this on a different thread but it was from 2015, so starting a new discussion in case the other one does not get any replies.….but also looking to start a food truck business in the town of Florida. I’ve tried researching online, even on the government website for Puerto Rico and cant really find much info. It seems you really do have to go in person to find these things out. i do speak spanish but thats not a problem I just don’t know where to start, where to go or who to speak with😵‍💫Anyone here had inspections done already? Fire inspection? What did they look for or check? I hope to start going this week to the municipio to get started. Thanks in advance everyone for your help and good luck with your businesses!


@acosta507   I don't know anything about food trucks, but I spoke to the guy at Jack's Shack in Rincon, across from Poole's Beach.  He has a food stand, which might have similar requirements.  He said getting permits and the like was quite a process and that he planned a whole day just to give it a trial run to see what to expect.  I see others on the internet say getting something done, like business permits, traffic tickets, or doctor appointments, takes all day.  It's great that you speak Spanish.  It's like you need a mysterious golden ticket in a scavenger hunt.  You might need to go to various buildings in person.  Maybe you could reach out to specific food stand owners, or internet influences who run businesses, like Life TransPlanet for a direction.

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