English speaking school

greetings dear, I'm planning on relocating to Brazil with my wife and children from Nigeria.

but i want my children to be educated in English.

Is it possible in public school in Brazil or how does it work?


Hello Jide64,

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I have started a new thread with your post on the Brazil forum.

This should help you gather in gathering the information that you need.



Expat.com team

06/20/24  greetings dear, I'm planning on relocating to Brazil with my wife and children from Nigeria.but i want my children to be educated in English. Is it possible in public school in Brazil or how does it work?thanks        -@Jide64

Welcome.  That would not ordinarily be possible.  The language of instruction by law in Brazil is Portuguese, and you will not find a public school or a private school accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture that does not comply with that, with the possible, partial exception of a few private schools intended for the the children of diplomats in Brasília and certain other large cities with diplomatic representation; any private school of this type would be very expensive.  There are plenty of opportunities for students to learn English and other foreign languages, both in school and privately, but not as the language of instruction in a regular school.

Moreover, if your intention is to live in Brazil, you would be doing your children a disservice  by educating them in a foreign language.  Brazil is a rigorously monolingual Portuguese-speaking country, and a child who grows up here not speaking, understanding, reading, and writing good Portuguese will be at a permanent disadvantage in the job market.  A university education would be out of the question.