Presenting divorce certificate to the judge

Please can someone tell me how to go about making my divorce legal in morocco . i have  a divorce certificate do i  need to take it to court in morocco

    Please can someone tell me how to go about making my divorce legal in morocco . i have  a divorce certificate do i  need to take it to court in morocco


To make your divorce legal in Morocco, you will need to follow a few steps:

    1.    Translate the Divorce Certificate: If your divorce certificate is not in Arabic, you will need to have it translated by a certified translator.

    2.    Authenticate the Document: Ensure that your divorce certificate is authenticated by the relevant authorities in the country where the divorce was granted. This usually involves getting it notarised and then legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    3.    Submit to Moroccan Authorities: Once your document is translated and authenticated, you will need to submit it to the Moroccan authorities. This typically involves presenting it to the local family court.

    4.    Court Proceedings: The Moroccan court will review your documents and may require you to attend a hearing. The court will then issue a ruling to recognise your foreign divorce.

    5.    Legal Advice: It's advisable to consult with a lawyer in Morocco who specialises in family law to guide you through the process and ensure that all legal requirements are met.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your divorce is recognised and legal in Morocco.

Best regards,

Arif E