Meeting people in Pau and its vicinity

I am American, recently retired, and moved to Pau in southwestern France. I have been here two weeks and I have already started to take hikes to the suburbs and take day trips. I really enjoyed Bayonne, but not Biarritz.

I would really like to meet people, not only in Pau and its vicinity, but elsewhere throughout France.  I speak un petit peu français, enough to get by in basic conversation, and intend to learn more every day.

I would like to find people with whom to travel, go out for drinks/dinners, urban hike, and have general conversations.

I am an artist, photographer, and writer. I very much enjoy food, both cooking and eating.

I am a man in my late 50s and I have previously traveled to 50+ countries in my life, as well as 48 states in the US.

I have a variety of interests.

Thank you.


Hello and welcome on board !

I have created this new thread on the France forum from your post so that in benefits from more visibility. Hopefully members reach out soon.

Maybe you could join them tomorrow and meet some people :




Merci! I will look into it. I appreciate the connection.



I am an American.

Right now, I live in Toulouse, and I plan to move to Pau.

How do you like Pau?



I am an American.
Right now, I live in Toulouse, and I plan to move to Pau.
How do you like Pau?




Sadly you will not get a response from them, as they have now left the site.

We are planning a "pre retirement" trip and Pau is one of the places that is high on my list.