Lake Velence water levels.

Has anyone recently been to Lake Velence?

Last time we were there, 2021 the water was so low and it was dirty looking. Just mucky with reeds and sticks everywhere.

Have they since brought in more water to fill the lake?

Lake Balaton is much nicer but we sometimes want a place closer to home.

@Marilyn Tassy

I doubt they will top it up, lakes in Austria aren't topped up. Its normally because of the hot weather.

There are some streams (the Sio of Siofik fame) going into Balaton but also possibly an underground river. 

Velence might also be fed by something similar.

They do take water out of Balaton for irrigation.  There have been years when they've taken too much.  The over development by certain politic types down there is chronic.  The lake environment could be ruined.

Also the lower the water level, it will look more dirty.

    Also the lower the water level, it will look more dirty.


For sure! Velence doesn't really attract me at all.

At least in Balaton you can see the bottom most of the time.

I seriously worry the lake is being systematically ruined by building work.

Rumours are that most of it is carried out friends of you know who.

Less water then the silt wont have less chance to dilute. That's the simple way of saying it. I'm sure there is a scientific word for it. 😜

@Marilyn Tass

I like going there because it has the feel of an old English seaside like Skegness but  getting in the lake is awkward and I loath muddy bottomed lakes....just the feel of it around my ankles ...yuck.

@Marilyn Tassy

I like going there because it is fairly close to Budapest. It also feels a bit like an old fashioned English seaside, like Skegness.

However, it's awkward to get into the lake and I hate the feel of the muddy bottomed lakes and getting mud on my ankles.

    Less water then the silt wont have less chance to dilute. That's the simple way of saying it. I'm sure there is a scientific word for it. 😜


The silt settles to the bottom.  People going in Velence lake stir it all up so it's like muddy water.  In Balaton it's more like sand so settles back down faster once all the people have left the water. 

I don't like walking in mud, especially where there are plants creeping around your legs.  So I wear water shoes when I'm in the lake. I got them in Decathlon.   

    @Marilyn Tassy
I like going there because it is fairly close to Budapest. It also feels a bit like an old fashioned English seaside, like Skegness.
However, it's awkward to get into the lake and I hate the feel of the muddy bottomed lakes and getting mud on my ankles.


My husband has decided he does not like Velence any longer.

Last time we tried to swim there was 3 or 4 years back.

They started to overbuild and  there was hardly anywhere to find a spot near the waterline.

We went over to the pay side and it was even worst then the free area. Had to walk out so far through the muck and reeds to find enough water to try and swim in. Must of walked in for 5 mins or longer.

I think some businesses or farms took allot of the water at that time and their may of been a drought too?

Sad really, we once rented a nice house in that area for a season back in 2000. Would just pop over in the afternoons for a swim everyday then take a trip around the towns in the area.

They are ruining what was there and at Balaton too. Overbuilding and overcharging.

I was just interested  to know if they have somehow refilled the lake by now so that one could swim if they wanted to without getting a mud bath at the same time.

Yes, one has to rinse off well after taking a dip in that lake, our bath tub usually has a nice ring after we get home and bathe after a day at that lake.

        @Marilyn TassyI like going there because it is fairly close to Budapest. It also feels a bit like an old fashioned English seaside, like Skegness.However, it's awkward to get into the lake and I hate the feel of the muddy bottomed lakes and getting mud on my ankles.        -@anns

My husband has decided he does not like Velence any longer.
Last time we tried to swim there was 3 or 4 years back.
They started to overbuild and  there was hardly anywhere to find a spot near the waterline.
We went over to the pay side and it was even worst then the free area. Had to walk out so far through the muck and reeds to find enough water to try and swim in. Must of walked in for 5 mins or longer.
I think some businesses or farms took allot of the water at that time and their may of been a drought too?

Sad really, we once rented a nice house in that area for a season back in 2000. Would just pop over in the afternoons for a swim everyday then take a trip around the towns in the area.
They are ruining what was there and at Balaton too. Overbuilding and overcharging.
I was just interested  to know if they have somehow refilled the lake by now so that one could swim if they wanted to without getting a mud bath at the same time.
Yes, one has to rinse off well after taking a dip in that lake, our bath tub usually has a nice ring after we get home and bathe after a day at that lake.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

I'm OK with Balaton so long as there is sufficient water.   There are free beaches of course at Balaton.  Where we go, we used to be able to go for free but they've introduced fees now and wrist bands.  We tend to go to the alternative free beach now as it's pricey.  We go there by bike as it's further away. 

At the free beach, there are almost the same facilities - toilets, cafe, canoes for hire and steps into the water.    OK, it's not as fancy, but well, what can you do?

We can also launch our canoe and paddle board directly in front of the Mrs Fluffy's family "holiday house" and paddle to the paid beach.  So long as we don't land, we can be anywhere on the lake without paying.

Anyway, this coming week will be hot-hot-hot, up into the 30s again.   Could be the right time to be there on a weekday - avoid the crush.

We take the train to Balaton if we go there.

Living in the heart of Budapest is a pain with trying to get to the highway from where we live. Takes sometimes 30 plus mins just to get on .

Makes Balaton a long 90 mins drive away which is a drag for a day trip.

Take subway to the train station and the ride is less time and we just take a short walk from the Balaton station to a free beach.

Well, it used to be free, have not gone to Balaton for a couple of summers so things may of changed.

The last 2 summers we stayed in the city and just went to a spa or Lupa Pupa lake, they have a cheaper pay side and a very pricey side on the lake.\You can guess where we go..

I have no interest in dinning in a restaurant or needing fancy swings etc. We go budget since the water is the same and that is all I am interested in.

They have covered shade areas and a couple of snack bars, toilets and showers and a grassy area or a sandy area  in the cheap side.

That's all we need, parking has a fee but it is not bad.

Nice to know next week will be baking. I had wanted to swim all this week at the spa but this wind is too much. No fun to get wet and sit out in the wind.

I have only once or twice felt the muddy bottom of lake Velence, usually the water levels were high enough to just swim off the ladders and never touch bottom.

The last time we were there, the water was so low I had to walk out and it was horrible. Mushy and slimy I was not into it at all. I bought some water shoes but not sure how fun they are to use when swimming.

One thing though about lake Lupa, the water is super deep and you should be a strong swimmer to cross the lake. They have a lifeguard but who knows if they are on their cell phone or not or actually looking at the swimmers? Lst summer we noticed the reeds were growing a bit tall and here and there you could feel them brushing your body while swimming. Not a good feeling to get the sensation that something is grabbing you from below. If we find they have not cleared the lake this summer it will be our last time over there.

Sick of everyone wanting to make a profit and not giving good service.

I li

Shoot, my edit is still not working, did not mean to write, Pupa lake, at least I hope it is not full of it!!

Reminds me of Belize Ciry in the mid 90s. The ocean had , pupa floating all over, no way was anyone taking a dip in that!

    We take the train to Balaton if we go there.Living in the heart of Budapest is a pain with trying to get to the highway from where we live. Takes sometimes 30 plus mins just to get on .Makes Balaton a long 90 mins drive away which is a drag for a day trip.Take subway to the train station and the ride is less time and we just take a short walk from the Balaton station to a free beach.Well, it used to be free, have not gone to Balaton for a couple of summers so things may of changed......        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, getting in and out of town by car is a real problem.  Even here, Budakeszi, is a one road town.  There are multiple hospitals, an Army place, tourist places and the main street which has no parking on it and multiple traffic lights which are always out of sync.  It's fairly typical Hungarian village in having a Fo Utca and everything stretched out along it.

Few years ago, we had a massive frost/snowfall and the main road to Budapest was blocked by fallen trees.  It took them a couple of days to clear it up on the main road and a week on the forest paths.   They recently started resurfacing work - it's all blocked up.  There's absolutely no other route to get in/out of here from/to Budapest.  The only way is to go back to Moscow Square and then back up the highway to take a turn off and come across country from the other direction.   It really needs a bypass road. 

There's another village near here called Nagykovacsi.  That's really one road in and one road out.  However, if you have a 4WD, there's actually a forest road you can take to reach another road and bypass any blockages  Hardly anyone knows about it.  There are no signs to say driving is forbidden and there are no barriers.  It leads to a "hunting" lodge (people can rent it I believe).