Car has overstayed for a year now

Hi Everyone,

I have a 22 year old foreign plated car here in Morocco. I don't anticipate driving it back to my home country (UK), because it's old and I don't think I'll make it, plus I can't afford to do the travel and also I am not medically sound to travel all that way due to pregnancy. (I can manage a drive to Ceuta and back though if necessary).

I know that I am accumulating a fine and that I owe probably 10,000Dh now in fines by now. But, I've heard there is a cap/maximum fine of having the car here to 20,000Dh. I am just wondering if anyone has any actual fact if this is true or not?  Or am I just going to keep accumulating fines for as long as it stays here?

My custom date ended 29/06/2023. So any help or ideas of what I should do?

Any advice much appreciated.

Many Thanks,



what did you end up doing? did you find any info? my husbands car has been in morocco over a year and its not worth taking it out and paying any fines  was wondering whether there was a way around it 


no I didn't have any success in finding any info. But I think I will give it up to customs and it will be seized. The car is old and she's done me a great journey and time here, so I'm not too upset to let it go. I'm hoping then I won't pay any fines. Please let me know if you find any other information your end.


which car is it and how old, if you give me some details on the make and model and the mileage and when did you import it in to the country etc