Introduction of myself

Hi all,

My name is Ralison Heriniaina Rogenico Ruhmer, and I am a 26-year-old FullStack Developer from Madagascar. I have 3 years of experience in building robust web and mobile applications using technologies such as Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Quasar.js, Nest.js, and Typescript.

I am currently exploring opportunities in Luxembourg and am excited about the possibility of moving to this beautiful country. My goal is to find a dynamic and challenging role where I can leverage my technical skills and experience to contribute to innovative projects.

I am looking forward to connecting with other expats and learning more about life in Luxembourg. If anyone has any tips or advice on finding job opportunities, navigating the local culture, or any other useful information, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for the warm welcome, and I am excited to be a part of this community!

Welcome on board!

Check the jobs section top of this page.

Perhaps try a Google search too.

@Nico Ralison

Hello and welcome !

Feel free to read the Living in Luxembourg guide for expats, in particular articles under the work sectio to gather as much infos as possible.

All the best


Thank you and I want to apply for work if available that's way I'm here

@stumpy thank you

@Bhavna thanks

@Bhavna hello friends how are you my name is jaspal singh from India but I live in Dubai working i m Indian and chaines multi cuisine chef i need to job in Luxembourg please help me my WhatsApp number is+*** please contact me thank you so much nice to meet you

Moderated by Bhavna last month
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


Hello and welcome !

Neither I nor members can provide you with a job.

Please refer to the Jobs in Luxembourg section by creating your CV should you want your skills and experience to be available for employers.

All the best
