How to get emergency exit without contract compilation

I have new job offer from a new employer and i want to get exit from my current employer even I didn't complete 1 year of 2 years contract . And company is not agree to give me exit . Is there any solution? Please advise

Dear Arqum Khan

if your contact is still balance and company is not agreed then you have only one option, minimum 1 month notice period which you must attend and do all your job task as normal and after that notice period what every duration is balance you have to pay your company as of your salary, for example after notice period you have 5 months balance then you must pay 5 months salary to your company, which can be adjusted from your EOS as well if that amount is matching with your balance duration of contract. Even after that if your company do not release you then you can contact labor office for support. but you need to provide evedence that you have given this option to your current company
