
I have only had the dishwasher for two years and it is no longer working.

I have had the repairman to look at it but he says its not worth it!!!  He stated that because we are not there permanently the dishwasher ceases up!

Has anyone else found this, and where would you go to find a new one.

  I am near Kalives so not far from Chania.


Contact the company that imports the brand or the nearest dealer (e.g. in Chania). A  halfway decent dishwasher cannot have just two years of life. Mine is 23 years old (Ariston, an Italian brand) and still works without a problem.


Thank you!  he used the excuse that because we do not live there dishwashers cease up for lack of use!

i will look into your suggestion.

I can see issues happening with seals drying out from long periods of non-use; caused by the residual water in the machine drying out.  I couldn't see that causing the machine to stop working completely, perhaps small leaks or noises.

Thank you thats worth noting. perhaps the guy didnt want to repair it!!