Lanlord leased me a home that has no electricity & mold infested

I paid my rent in full, after moving in I discovered that the home was infested with mold. The landlord said someone would come to fix this issue and 3.5 weeks have passed and no one has come to fix it. I haven't slept in the home at all due to severe allergies of mold. I have been in a hotel and my cats have been staying there. I go daily to feed them. The last 4 days there has been no electricity. The neighbors told me that she made an illegal connection and the electric company found out and cut it off. What are my legal rights and how do I file a claim in court for this situation. It is in Jericoacoara BR in Cera.


...and she will have a big fine to pay to the electric company before they reconnect. Firstly you cannot go to court - you must retain an attorney, as only attorneys can address a judge. But there are some other steps you can take first, like asking the attorney to pressure the landlady, making a protest in the Notary Office, and going to a small claims court (depending on the value).

I assume you have everything in writing, including a copy of the rental contract, the payment or a receipt? You should have a good claim but be aware that this may take a long time (ie years) to go to court. But in the first instance I would suggest to retain a bilingual attorney to help you.

I   agreed with Peter,  but for future reference;  we need to understand that other countries have different standards and rights practices,  unfortunately in Brasil have issues with this kind of situation and behavior,  before we rent ,  buy,  move we need surely to inspect and verify legal paperwork, never go by cheap cause will be more expensive in the future ,  also burocracy infested Brasil taking a while but at the end will be ok

Every thing will be ok ,  just get legal advice

Best wishes

Your landlord did a "gato"............I don't rent here, but, if I did, copies of the landlords ID matched to electricity bills and IPTU bills, etc, as well as the numero de matricula is what I'd want, or I walk.

Apart hotels are best for 1-3 month stays IMHO.