
Annex 19 Help (Bijlage 19) - Rijksregister Questions


Hello all!

I have registered at my gementee almost 2 weeks ago. The police have checked and confirmed that I live at the address provided. Now I have a question. When will I receive my RRN or will I ever get anything else needed? I would love to open a bank account here and start looking for a job but looking through some posts this would require me to get RRN (for example, one post online stated that VDAB would ask you for RRN). All I have is a paper with the title 'Aanvraag van een verklaring van inschrijving' and I am ticked as a 'werkzoekende'. It also states that 'Dit document is geenzins een identiteitsbewijs, noch eenn nationalteitsbewijs'. I have till late October (3 months) to presumebly find a job and prove I can stay here. Can anyone please help me how long it takes to get something else or if I am ever suppose to get anything?

Can I also start looking for a job now and apply to VDAB or job agencies too? I would love to start looking for work but this is all confusing to me with the waiting time and everything!

One last question is what would happen if I don't receive anything else after 3 months of waiting? Will I be in big trouble like deportation or a huge fine?

Thank you for reading my long questions, if anyone can help that would be really appreciated as I am having hard time understanding some of this. Thank you!

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Your RRN is at the top-left corner of the document it should be the number after "ref".

You can register with VDAB with the number after ref. And what status have you registered as?  It should say on your annex 19.

If you don't have a job by the end of 3 months they evaluate your chances of finding a job and then go further from there. At least thats what my gemeente told me befor I got a permanent job. But since I found a job within a month they sent my file to DVZ immediately.


Lucky me, my file glt accepted today and can pick up my residency card on Wednesday.