New to this community

I am Tim.

I am new here, hello all.

I have permanently relocated to Cebu City.  I'm in the starting phase of our home remodel.  This process is a slow moving, I've been at it for a while now.  Networking help here would be lovely.

I come from the residential construction arena, which was my business in Florida. 


Welcome on board Tim !

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



Welcome, Tim.

Understand the frustration, haha.


Thanks for the welcome, I do appreciate it. 

Learning the native language, you may have some insight on perhaps where to start.   I want to learn so that I can communicate with my mom and father in-law.  I haven't had much luck searching online, and this is not something that my wife has ever searched for.

Best regards



Thank you for your welcome, I do appreciate it.

Being new to this way of life, yes has frustrations, and sometimes seem mind-blowing.  I will say that life offers so many wonderful opportunities to enjoy the beauty of it all. 

Staying Positive
