Cohabitation Visa Questions

Good evening everyone,


I was born in South Africa, and live in NY USA.  I have British citizenship (since birth). My partner is dual Belgian/US citizen and lives in Brussels.  We are planning to live together in Belgium until all our kids are finished school.  As I have sole custody but he doesn't, it makes sense that I move.  I have two children, who will attend private school.  We've been together for 3 years, and are really looking forward to simplifying our lives!


I found this forum searching for answers on the D Visa for cohabitation.  I've had so many conflicting answers, so I wondered if anyone here can help me with info on the following points:

  1. The visa application online keeps showing an error but doesn't say where.  I have tried many, many times but cannot fill it in.  Can this be fixed or can I apply with a paper application (I printed out an English/Chinese one)?
  2. Can all our documents be submitted in English? We're applying in NY for the visa and will live in Brussels (Woluwe)
  3. Can my children come with me at the same time as I move?  We're planning to leave mid December.
  4. We travel a lot, for work and holidays, I saw that some people said once you arrive and submit your file (next step) to the local commune, you can't leave the country for 6 months at least, is this correct?
  5. What is the easiest way to move over to Belgium? I see some people saying they got a C Visa and applied for cohabitation in Belgium, but as we have kids, we don't like the lack of certainty of that option.
  6. Apostille - do we have it done in the USA?  Any particular type of apostille?
  7. The US doesn't issue a celibacy letter, anyone else applied from the US and if so, what did you use in place of this?
  8. Do all documents have to be translated into French?  If so that's hundreds of pieces of paper!  I'm wondering if for the D Visa, they accept everything in English if I'm applying to the Belgian consulate in New York. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good luck to all on their journey.