
DR Free Trade Zones

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Does anyone know where the free trade zones are located and the rules for importing goods into the DR? What can be imported? What taxes are due?

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Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic
ddmcghee … -generate/

These articles explain what the FTZs are and the incentives.


I would like to read this but I'm getting this popup on my computer:

Your connection isn't private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more about this warning


That's scary. What's up with that?

Maybe you can reply directly?

I'm considering buying vape products directly from China and becoming a vape distributor in DR. Would I import the products through free zones; or would another method be better? Does anyone know what the benefits or liabilities would be? If I imported through a free zone, could I then distribute the products through the DR?




I believe all the tax benefits are for exporting goods and services out of the country. Anything distributed within DR would be subject to import taxes. I think the break on import duty is for parts/supplies used for manufacturing within the FTZ when the final product is exported.

The article at Dominican Today should work. I just googled DR Free Trade Zone, and those were the first hits.

Here's another good one: … ade-zones/


Free trade zones are  tax incentivized to import,  assemble and export.   20% can be distributed inside the country.

However inside the zone your services are much more expensive,  labor is cheaper and basically lower level skills. There are however,  medical device companies that pay well.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Dominican Republic

All of the Dominican Republic's guide articles