Hello everyone,
As an expat in Brazil, taking care of your health would be one of your main priorities. Preventive healthcare plays a crucial role in keeping fit and healthy. We therefore would like to invite you to share your insights on preventive care in Brazil, so as to best take care or your health as an expat and navigate the local healthcare system.
Here are a few questions to start with:
What preventive care plans and measures are available in Brazil?
Can expats easily access preventive healthcare services?
Does health insurance cover preventive care in Brazil or is there any other scheme available? Any tips to choose the right plan?
How to get informed about preventive care plans or events: any useful website, hotline, or media that you’ve found helpful?
What is the local attitude towards preventive care and how did you adjust to it?
Share your experiences and tips to help fellow expats.
Thank you for your contribution.
Expat.com Team - @Cheryl
Your best bet is to live in a region where Health Care is a Matter of Public Policy.
That is, if you qualify to actually use it.
On remedial health care, i.e. a surgical intervention, you can actually pay out of your pocket to get the best there is out there.
Now, a lot of Expats fancy living in some sun baked coastal town and getting access to decent health care. With a few exceptions, the overwhelming majority of these locals are poorly suited for decent health care delivery. Even the preventive kind.
While the general assumption is that SUS, or the Single Payer Free Health Care is a free for all, most the best programs are in Metro Regions that co-fund in matters of equipment, facilities, staff. Back water sun baked sand strips do no get to provide for such in depth care. Neither public, nor private.
And hence why they ask for proof of local residence., To make sure they weed out the mulchers out there.
My local City Run Hospital ( on out of a half dozen private and public facilities in a five mile radius ) just acquired,,about 5 months ago, a Canon CT Scanner. That is well over a million dollars, before customs, so chalk it up to 2 millions after delivery.
My cost, if I am prescribed a Cat Scan, zero. If I went to the local non profit, and paid out of my pocket, the same would cost me R$ 800, and some places up toi R$ 1500
They make sure locals come first and will come up with some bureaucratic hurdle to deny outsiders access to quality health care.