
Migratory year


How does the migratory year work? I keep getting different answers. I was told by a federal police officer that your days reset on the first day you enter Brazil. In my case, that was December 2018 but I entered in January this year 2024 stayed until June then went back in August left in September and the police officers said I can get another 90 days in December even

See also

Marriage in BrazilTravel to BrazilRetirement in BrazilExpat death in BrazilWhat are the implications of my CRNM after the divorce?

12/03/24 How does the migratory year work? I keep getting different answers. I was told by a federal police officer that your days reset on the first day you enter Brazil. In my case, that was December 2018 but I entered in January this year 2024 stayed until June then went back in August left in September and the police officers said I can get another 90 days in December even - @Mckenziebailey88

The period of time permitted to a foreigner during any twelve-month period -- 180 days in your case, 90 days plus one 90 day extension, assuming from your profile that you're a UK citizen -- and the "ano migratório" sometimes conflict, and "sometimes" becomes "often" in a case like yours, where the traveler uses up all of his/her allotment in one or two long stays.  It's up to the Immigration Officer when you arrive to decide which measurement to use.

In principle, if you used up your 180 days for 2024 with your longest visit starting in January, you should have some days available again in January a year after your first arrival in 2024, or on February 1 at the latest.  If you arrive on or after the anniversary date of your "Ano Migratório" in December, though, the Immigration Officer may just wave you through.  If that happens, I'd just take the win and say nothing:  you're good for another 90 days, plus extension.  If the Officer says that you can't enter, though, point out that your "Ano Migratório" just started again, and that may do the trick.


I haven't yet used 180 days, so I should be good. I have a message from the Federal Police on my phone. I think I've used 166 days so I should be ok with December


12/03/24 I haven't yet used 180 days, so I should be good. I have a message from the Federal Police on my phone. I think I've used 166 days so I should be ok with December - @Mckenziebailey88

In that case, you're fine.  Enjoy your trip, and welcome back!