
Need to see a doctor


Name is Alessandro my partner is currently working in a restaurant ten hours a day we think she is pregnant for at least two months we contacted the municipality because we do not have a domicile and she urgently needs a medical visit from a gynecologist or whoever is responsible in the field. Because she has a stomachache, obviously we are afraid that she will lose both her job and the house that is owned by the owner of the restaurant here he does not give us an address or domicile. That is why I turned to the moaning After that I would like to know her opinion because we would need a doctor and at this moment we do not have one.

See also

Healthcare in the NetherlandsAccidents and emergencies in the NetherlandsPregnancy and giving birth in the NetherlandsTransnasal endoscopy in netherlandsFailed deadline for Tuberculosis test (Netherlands)

Name is Alessandro my partner is currently working in a restaurant ten hours a day we think she is pregnant for at least two months we contacted the municipality because we do not have a domicile and she urgently needs a medical visit from a gynecologist or whoever is responsible in the field. Because she has a stomachache, obviously we are afraid that she will lose both her job and the house that is owned by the owner of the restaurant here he does not give us an address or domicile. That is why I turned to the moaning After that I would like to know her opinion because we would need a doctor and at this moment we do not have one. - @neri96928

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I'm assuming you're living/working somewhere in the Netherlands.  If your partner is working, then her employer must be deducting money from her salary to pay for medical insurance, it's law in the Netherlands.  If she is not paying for medical insurance, then life is about to become difficult, for example a doctor will see you, but you will have to pay for it yourself.  Further, you may have to consider whatever options you have available to support your partner and her baby, including going back to live where you do have support available to you.

Your forum information tells me you're Italian, so have the right to live/work anywhere in the EU, but you need to understand that if you go to another EU country, then you have to comply with their regulations, in the Netherlands, that is registration and your own health insurance.  Have you got the Italian version of the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) that will extend to your partner?

I hope this helps.


Expat Team


We live in Amsterdam(Amstelveen) ,we have a rent  without registration the house is from honorer's restaurant where actually she work,we can't move in Italy I think I will go to the social locket,we got before address,but not registration,we have DigiDi but doesn't work,...I get question she can be fired for this situation?when is possible to said from her I m in pregnant?after 2 or 3months,we are scared about loose her job and this flat,she get one years contract(8hours ) (but she work 10 every day and is not payed)I need a good consultation,generally I know how work the dutch system,grazie


I hope veemente Will help us,just for one visit...and have post address....


We live in Amsterdam(Amstelveen) ,we have a rent without registration the house is from honorer's restaurant where actually she work,we can't move in Italy I think I will go to the social locket,we got before address,but not registration,we have DigiDi but doesn't work,...I get question she can be fired for this situation?when is possible to said from her I m in pregnant?after 2 or 3months,we are scared about loose her job and this flat,she get one years contract(8hours ) (but she work 10 every day and is not payed)I need a good consultation,generally I know how work the dutch system,grazie - @neri96928

From what you've said (and not said); I'm going to make the assumption that you are on the RNI database at the Gemeente; this is a system designed purely for people who are not resident in the Netherlands (staying for less than 4 months) and will give you access to things like a Dutch bank or car-hire, it will also give you a DigID, but will not give you access to things like Healthcare; for this you must make your own arrangements; you may also have a BSN, but it's special in that you can't work for a Dutch company on it.

In regard to healthcare; there is a website called the Zorgvezekeringlijn where they can probably explain better than I what you can do; the top right-hand corner has a phone number - my advice is to call them; this link will take you straight to it.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team