
Applying for gun permit

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Can you get a permit to have a weapon before residency?

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Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

No you cannot.  Sorry



Ok, thanks


I'm not positive, but I believe you need to be a citizen to have a gun permit. 



Yes sir, that's what I am hearing more and more. I don't think there is anyway around it either. Thanks


dont know about a gun permit but for a shot gun just residency, and depends from what us state you came from. Shotgun permit is a one time thing does not need to be renewed every year like a gun permit



Why would the DR care what US state you came from?


It’s not the Dr , depending on the state it seems gun dealers have contacts with police departments in some states, you cannot get a gun permit in the DR if you don’t get a good police report from your state of residency., which is a requirement to get the permit here



I would assume your police report for the states would need to be the FBI report, Apostille both by State Department and DR. Additionally, translated by a certified DR translator and DR Apostille.

Basically the same requirement for US citizens to obtain DR Residency

However, assuming, consult with DR legal advisor.


Not necessarily, was informed by gun dealer only police report.



Dot your "I" and cross your T's it's the DR anything for a sale!! Good luck!

Papito NL

I rather have the cowboys leave their gun fetish back home. Why would you need it here?


I rather have the cowboys leave their gun fetish back home. Why would you need it here? - @Papito NL

Guns are only going to get you in trouble here. I would rather not spend my life in a Dominican prison, even though I was defending myself. The court system here may not care. And yes I did have a gun living in the US.


I'm not positive, but I believe you need to be a citizen to have a gun permit. - @UncleBuck

You have to be a legal permanent  resident.

Its all here: … es-nuevas/

For people that don't like guns, I recommend you don't get one. 

I assure you I don't care what you think about people that legally have them in the DR.


As for a criminal report:  here is the wording:

Si residió durante los últimos cinco años en el extranjero, deberá presentar un certificado de “No Antecedentes Penales,” apostillado por el consulado dominicano acreditado en el país de procedencia; • Expedido dentro de los 30 días previos a la solicitud. (Adjuntar en el Formulario de Pre-Aprobación).

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