
Cost of different stuff, HELP


I am moving to Alkmaar hopefully in November and are searching for some help for knowing what the cost of some stuff is.

1. For a family of 3, what are the water price each month?

2. What are the electricity prive per kWh. What do you usually pay pr month?

3. Can someone find out what a "hypo allergic diet dry food" costs at the vet? 15 kilos bag,

4. What does an regular doctors appointment cost in Alkmaar? Ect: You have the flu and need medicin. OR: You have fallen and have twisted your ancle.....

5. What are the name of some of the television companies in Holland. We want satelitedish...... What are the per month price?

5. What are the best internet company in the Netherland and what are the pr month price?

6. Are there school fees?? If so, what do you pay per month.
Im planning my son to go to public school.

I REALLY hope someone out there can help me with these issues.
I really want to find out before I arrive Alkmaar :)

If you just can direct me to a homepage too I would appreciate that :)

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Hi Hrvan,

I live in Germany, but am Dutch and still work in the Netherlands.
Prices and energy use is for me and my wife in our detached house.

1. Waterprices: I pay about € 50,- each month (we use about 5m3/month)

2. Electricity is about € 0,22 / € 0,23 each kWh. Also you'll have to pay " Vastrecht" each month, this is about € 2,50. I use between 180 (summer) and 250 (winter) kWh each month.

3. A bag of hypo allergic dry dogfood is usually 12kg, it cost about € 60 - 65.

4. For your doctors visit you have to get a health insurrance (zorgverzekering). The costs may vary but are usually around € 100,- each month. A visit tot the doctor is beeing payed by the health insurrance. For some medice you have to pay a (little) fee.

5. If you want a satelite dish you pay around € 80,- each year for the most "free" canals (RTL4, RTL5, RTL7, Veronica, SBS6, NET5, NED1, 2 and 3. Visit for more information.

5 (second) I don't know the best, but it depends on your living area. Prices also vary from € 15 - 80 a month depending your type of connection, speed and volume.

6. We don't have children so cannot anwser your question right. The website awnsers that there is no tuition for children untill they are 18 yo. The Dutch government pays the tuitions which costs around € 7.300,- each year. But you normaly have to buy books and a parental contribution which also can vary. More information: (use translate).

I hope you find this information useful.




Dear Klaasvdveen!

Thank you SOOOOO much for your reply. My mind is more at ease now.
We are renting a villa of 152 kvm and are looking forward to get to our new home.

I was specially wondering about the doctor thing.
So if I have incurance I dont have to pay for anything but for some medicin? WOW!
I have a condition called IC or painfullbladder syndrom. I need an operation every 3 month, do you know if they cover that aswell?

THank you :)


Hi Hrvan,
For the health insurance only certain things are completely covered. from the beginning. For instance visits to a normal doctor (huisarts) are completely covered by the insurance. For the rest, like medication, visiting specialist doctors or hosptial stays you first must pay a certain amount out of pocket. This is the 'eigen risco'. For 2011 this was 170€. Once you have reached that amount, then the insurance kicks in and generally covers all of the costs. For medication  you sometimes have to pay a very small part, but it is rare. There are other things that are not entirely/not at all covered so you need supplemental insurance to get it paid back in part or totally. Dental care is one of those.  With supplemental insurance you're usually paying a total of 120-150€ a month in premiums.


Camille gives a good explination, I forgot to explain the supplemental insurrance. Like I said, I live in Germany and have a insurrance in both Germany and the Netherlands, so there are a few little differences with a regular Dutch health hnsurrance.


Klaasvdveen wrote:

Hi Hrvan,

6. We don't have children so cannot anwser your question right. The website awnsers that there is no tuition for children untill they are 18 yo. The Dutch government pays the tuitions which costs around € 7.300,- each year. But you normaly have to buy books and a parental contribution which also can vary. More information: (use translate).


Hello. I went into that link, BUT that was not for children. It was for those over 18. My kid is only 9 years old.


Klaasvdveen wrote:

Hi Hrvan,

2. Electricity is about € 0,22 / € 0,23 each kWh. Also you'll have to pay " Vastrecht" each month, this is about € 2,50. I use between 180 (summer) and 250 (winter) kWh each month.


So you use under 100 euro a month on electricity?????