
Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Last activity 30 July 2012 by JasfurJQ

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i got this question from a site.. which caught my attention... I dont know how to answer this but if i will ask this to you what would be your answer... smile.png


yes. absolutly. except for


Do agree...


I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to, id go anywhere for you, anywhere you ask me to, your love as far as i can see, is all im ever gonna need, if theres one thing for sure i know its true, baby id do anything for you.

The Backstreet Boys sang that, and it is true.


Yes I would. I have own ethic rules like not to kill, though, and I would not break those.


no matter what I would not kill


aslong as it doesn't envole the death of anyone


YESS!!! anyday... Our freedom fighters broke the law to save our beloved motherland smile.png

superanjanet wrote:

i got this question from a site.. which caught my attention... I dont know how to answer this but if i will ask this to you what would be your answer... smile.png

Break the law? Who's law?What country? I wouldn't break any laws to save a loved one,but I wouldn't shut up until they let them free!Especially if they were innocent!


Rules were made to be broken,
especially law...

what better reason to do it except for love...

o.tageldin wrote:

Rules were made to be broken,
especially law...

what better reason to do it except for love...

Excellent answer! Wish I had said it. smile.png


That's a "no brainer" for me.  There are no laws when it comes to saving or protecting a loved one.  I would absolutely take someone out if I had to.  No one messes with my loved ones!

     You must also take into account that when a situation arises and you have to react.  There is no time to think about laws.  Saving a loved one would take all precedence to any law.  No matter what it takes. 

     Just my feelings on that.  Take it or leave it.

     LAZER, United States Marine Corps, "Viet Nam Vet".


AmI selfish to say no or I'm just reasonable?


break the law in what way?


I wanted to, but might don't have the guts to do so... ? =P


i wont break any law to save them..they did it then they must deal with it,..


do the crime, do the time

but if its a misdemeanor, am sorry officer, i dont know what or who you are talking about :-)

Saigon Visitor

Depends on the situation: I would not break the law to 'get them out of legal trouble' that they brought upon themselves ... I most certainly would break the law to defend them (or other innocents) from injury/death. In FL I do legally carry a concealed weapon at all times; I have NEVER even come close to a situation of having to use it, but I do train and prepare in case that horrible day ever happens. An old adage: I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. (just my 2 cents)


I would jaywalk to save someone.  But I don't think jaywalking is illegal here.  I think it's the national pastime.


if your talking about the Gods law, i would not jeopardise my believes for the sake of love.
human law depends on the situations maybe 50/50.....wink.png

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