
Timeline from Entering DR on Residency Visa to Interview and Medical?

Mila V

Hi, I just received my approved residency visa for the Dominican Republic, and I’m getting ready to buy my ticket. I would like to know what the typical timeline is after entering the country with the residency visa. Specifically, how long does it take from submitting documents to the immigration office (I believe it’s the DGM?) to receiving the invitation for the medical and interview?

I’m trying to figure out if it’s best for me to stay in the DR for a few weeks, or if it would be better to return home to the U.S. and wait until I get the invitation.

Any insight or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

forgot to add visa/residency is for family reunification

See also

General visa requirements for the Dominican RepublicResidency and medical examinationImmigration and Overstay IssuesMarrying a Dominican in the DR: tourist visa or fiance visa?Getting DR residency while already in the DR

@Mila V

It can range from 90 days to 7 months each case and application for the individual varies.

Recommend securing a imgration lawyer ( review threads for that recommendations.

Congrats and good luck!