
I have a not so smart question


Apologies for asking, but I just wanted to ask is STEM the only way to move and live abroad since my interests lie far out of it and I have ADHD and I lie more in the Arts (creation/costume design, etc.) field. I know there's options for freelancing but what about work?

See also

Relocating to TürkiyeCustoms regulations in PanamaRelocating to VietnamMoving to MauritiusRelocating to Greece

Hello seaturtlescantscope,

Welcome to 😀

Thank you for asking your questions here.

While STEM fields do offer many opportunities for moving abroad, they are definitely not the only option.

Do you already have a specific country in mind where you would like to be an expat? That would help me point you in the right direction for better advice and resources! 😊


Cheryl team


Apologies for asking, but I just wanted to ask is STEM the only way to move and live abroad since my interests lie far out of it and I have ADHD and I lie more in the Arts (creation/costume design, etc.) field. I know there's options for freelancing but what about work? - @seaturtlescantscope

One does not have to have a STEM background. Employment possibilities depend on the country  – and of one’s skills. The thing is that it takes extra effort, cost and risk for employers to recruit foreign workers. This usually means it only makes sense for highly skilled jobs. It is not cost effective, if even allowed, for non-skilled workers.

But say in Germany, not only IT workers and nurses are in demand but electricians, plumbers and many other workers that have technical training rather than university degrees. Even truck drivers are needed – but have to have the proper licenses already. One needs to have the skills and experience and inevitably a high level of the local language(s). But say a plumber in Germany will likely only need a B1 level of German rather than the C1 level required for a doctor or the B2 level needed for a nurse. So the opportunities are there, one just has to have the skills.

For European countries, English is often expected but in addition rather than as an alternative to the local language. So one should really focus on the possibilities in a country where you fit. Your profile shows you are in Brazil so obviously, Portugal would be your best bet.