English language Radio Stations in Iceland?

Hi there,

I'm from the UK and interested in moving to either Iceland or Norway. I'm wondering if there are any English language Radio Stations in Iceland? I've searched online and cannot find any and as that is the industry I work in, it would be useful to know if there are any. I cannot speak Icelandic at the moment but would be most willing to learn anyway!


can't think of one, at least not broadcast nationally. The biggest ones countrywide are RUV (national radio) with 2 stations, and Bylgjan, a soft-rock kind of station.

some site links:
http://dagskra.ruv.is/ras1/http://dagskra.ruv.is/ras2/http://www.bylgjan.is/ (they've got 2 other channels, similarly light)

we do get the BBC world service here, and there are tons of smaller-range radio stations in various parts of the country, but none that I can think of broadcast in English. I guess there aren't enough of us English-speaking expats, or everyone's listening online if they want to not listen to Icelandic.

Thanks for that. Appreciate it.