School for expat teenager

Hi, I'm Carol, from oz, new to the forum. A little information would be appreciated. I am considering a move to Hanoi next year but I will need to get my teenage daughter sorted before the decision is made. She is currently in grade 8 high school. I have been in touch with a couple of international schools there re: her enrollment, but honestly I cannot afford the fees. I've asked about part-time enrollment eg: 1-2 days a week, but no go. My question is ...are there any other options?...does the expat community have something going over there that doesn't cost the earth?...also is there a community for teenaagers to interact?
Many thanks

Hi Carol and welcome to!

Have you gone through the different discussions of the forum? It may help.


I would consider Home schooling as a option .. just a suggestion

I'm living in Hanoi and homeschooling my son who's also in 8th grade. If you are in Hanoi now or will be soon reply. Perhaps we can help each other.