
British Hubby Looking For A Job in Lagos Nigeria - Any Advice, Ideas?


Hi everyone, I'm not an expat but my husband is, and he's v keen to live and work in Lagos. He's worked in shipping his entire career and is looking for work along those lines here.

I'd be grateful for any leads, advice, info etc around what shipping-related job opportunities there are for expatriates. EG what companies in Lagos should we be looking at, that pay well, offer security, encourage a good work/life balance (i.e. not slave drivers) that sort of thing.

I've lived in Nigeria practically all my life but just realising I know nothing about an entire industry (shipping) in my own country! Hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks

See also

Job offers in LagosFinding work in NigeriaIs this salary offer good enough ?Looking for a suitable Placement in Nigeria.I'm a indian and need help of indian people in lagos nigeria

Hi married2anexpat,

Welcome to! :)

You may want to put an advert in the Lagos classifieds > job section. It might help you.

I wish you good luck in your job search.


Thanks Christine, will do


Hey, I don't have any specific link but you can try this link … panies.htm .I heard the shipping sector can be a slave drivin experience depending on your field and position because it's a busy one, but don't take my word for it. Most of the companies are located in Apapa where the major ports are and I think there might be some in the Marina area, not sure. I hope the link helps with your research. Good luck.