
pursuit of happiness

Last activity 13 July 2012 by francaiscuisine

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is that right that once we are following our dreams , we can achieve them even we dont have the ways to do??? i mean if am full of hope and optimism and want to do something to change my life for the best, can i do it even i have empty hands?????


There is nothing impossible in the world.. But hey with empty hands you should not forget you should have tremendous brain and readiness to put in efforts .. right from starting with not to waste any time ,, time is the only thing we cant get back or purchase .. Best of luck..


Hello Salma.Moha,

One word comes to mind...happiness; if you can control your mind you can find the way to happiness, therefore happiness does not depend on the state of life (your current position), but is the result of good conscience, good health, and a good occupation. Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions. Happiness is linked to your state of mind and not what you have money and wealth. Many people believe that the big house, expensive clothes, and cars are the key to living in happiness. In pursuing material wealth one becomes busier and busier so one becomes the slave of his property.
If you are looking for happiness (which is what you seek, you deserve the peace of mind and the deep understanding of the self that is already in happiness!!!
You are on the path of achieving your dreams because you have taken the first step by Believing In Yourself.

Best wishes...Robert


Yes of course!!! but this is the first step on next stage you must struggle for your aims and try to find ways... only by struggle you can achieve your goals.


hey dears,,
thanx for all ur words,, it means a lot even i know all those things but sometimes we just need to hear it from others,, just to be sure that we are not wrong in deep


There is somthing tricky about the pursuit of happiness. It can have a different meaning for every single person. So you must find out for yourself what this could be to you. for some it is a job, a home and a family, for others it is freedom from all dependencies, learning and experiencing.


you sure can,with strong will you can own the world smile.png


Simple answer
Dream that you will travel to a very nice place next month
do your best, be positive and next month you will get your answer.


amerkassem smile.png will dream to visit bora bora next month and i will let u know if it will happen by only having positive thinking


Salma, I wish the best for you, bring me a gift from there.


yeh thanx smile.png but wait till my dreams come true


Interesting thing about dreams is that they can actually change... So, even with empty hands, if you start on the road to your dream -- making baby steps and concentrating on the journey rather than the destination -- by going that road you may realize that the initial dream wasn't THE dream and that you've achieved another dream, the one that you didn't think of initially.

One thing to try is to write down all your dreams and date that writing.  Then start going for them (one at a time and with small, baby steps).  A few years later - look at what you wrote.  See how many dreams you've achieved and how many are not really valid anymore, thanks to your journey.


@ expatForever,, ur words really touch me and let me see my question from an other corner,,in fact u r totally right,,thanx alot


salma.moha, there is some good advice in the posts in this thread.

Yes, I do believe it is possible to achieve our dreams.

Once we get the goal in mind and are willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve our goals we can in fact start creating them.

Yes it does take work and sometimes sacrifice is necessary. It may require us to leave where we are and go to where the opportunity is available.

Now some people think that all it requires is dreaming. Dreaming is great but action is required. Every goal starts with one step.

If someone wanted to be an famous actor and they are living in Kansas, it is going to be almost impossible for them to achieve that goal in Kansas. In the USA if you want to be an actor there are two places you need to be, either Southern California, or New York City. In Kansas you can express you joy of theater by working with the local community theater or finding work at a local television show, but to achieve fame you will need to be where the major players are for television and film production.

Moving to where there is opportunity is a huge step. Sometimes people realize that they are not really willing to do the steps necessary. It may take years of working minimum wage jobs and auditioning whenever you get the chance to get your break. Acting is just an example,it could be anything.

If it takes working for 5 years at a job you do not like to get to your goal, you must be willing to work 10 years. Not that you have to, but you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goal.

Dreams do change and that is okay. We learn and grow, it is all part of the game of life.

Find your goal and take the first small steps and continue making small steps. If you are willing to pay the price, you will make it happen. If your goal changes, don't beat yourself up, be thankful for the clarity and start moving forward on the new goal.

BTW: years ago I was homeless and lost everything I had including hope. Now I have everything, and yes now I have new goals and directions. I know my purpose in life.

Nothing is easy but if we are willing to do what is needed, we will succeed.

Wish you the best.

salma.moha wrote:

@ expatForever,, ur words really touch me and let me see my question from an other corner,,in fact u r totally right,,thanx alot

Glad I was able to help. smile.png  Sometimes a change in perspective is all that's needed.  Think of a ship in the ocean that changes course only 2 degrees... it'll arrive at a completely different continent even with such a small change.  Same with shifting a perspective -- it's powerful!

Good luck!


@ ericwt
thanx alot for ur reply,,little by little am sure that yes i can do what i want to do and what am dreaming abt,, yes it takes time as u mentioned but it will happen one day,,, in fact with faith everything is possible yes
thanx dear friend


@ expatforever
Thanx alot again and again,, sometimes we just need to hear the other's voices telling us the same thing that we want to hear just to be sure that we are not wrong
thanx for telling me ur voice


There's nothing you can do that can't be done
There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be
It's easy


Do whatever it takes to meet your own needs of happiness wink.png


No one can ever tell you for sure if your life gonna be the way you dream but sticking to your dreams surely guarantee you hope and happiness and most important thing, satisfaction.

Good luck.


plan well and strategies:

Read about things related to your dreams

carefully lay out the top requirement

plan how soon you wanted to realise your dreams

(god have everything to do with our plan)

Good funding helps alot


I just find it amazing and truly believe that human beings are capable of achieving anything that they put their minds to, but it involves effort and hard work. Genius is 1%, 99% hard work.
Doesn't matter if your hands are empty, as long as you have


You are absolutely correct one.png

ABA26 wrote:

I just find it amazing and truly believe that human beings are capable of achieving anything that they put their minds to, but it involves effort and hard work. Genius is 1%, 99% hard work.
Doesn't matter if your hands are empty, as long as you have


Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us.


what exactly do you mean by empty hands?
success requires efforts and determination.

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