
working for adwaa rabia


can anyone tell me what the accommodation is like for those employed by adwaa rabia and working at pnu?  thanks

See also

Real estate listingsCompounds in RiyadhBuying property in RiyadhLiving on a Western Compound in RiyadhChoosing your neighbourhood in Riyadh

Or the name of the compound so we can look it up?


I'm curious suekilpatrick, did you take the PNU job?


The bottom line on accommodation is that many or most people were promised single accommodation and the official word here is that we're to share 4 people in a 3bdrm villa, with the dining room converted into a fourth bedroom.

I don't know the name of the villa, but it's close to shopping malls (walking distance), looks nice, and had a pool and gym.  (It's currently under construction and everyone is at the Hotel Brzeen.)


can anybody give me the up-to-date position with adwaa rabia - what's the latest on work at pnu and the accomm on the compound?


I'm curious too.  How's the job working out?


Update on accom: three people only in the villas now.  (Hooray!) Each woman has a bathroom, though one is lacking a proper shower.  We are moved in and the villas are nice, but there are MANY technical problems.  We're freezing, the water frequently disappears, electricity needs to be rewired, not enough hot water in some units, lack of security (one theft so far).  It remains to be seen whether SBC can address the problems or whether they will be ongoing.

Current disputes: many object to SBC holding our passports past the date that they need them for iqama processing and several teachers have pay disputes.  Between 4-6 teachers are in the process of quitting over these issues.  The majority do not have problems with pay.  There are ongoing questions about the validity of our contracts, and an SBC rep stated at the last meeting that the contracts sent by Adwaa were NOT proper SBC contracts, and SBC had never seen them before.  Yet a few days ago SBC asked a couple dozen women to re-sign contracts which were identical to the Adwaa ones.  Expect constant disorganization, but the bottom line is that most people are fine with the work and have had no problems with pay.  Most.


Thanks so much for the updates and keeping us informed.  It's really hard to decide to go or not, when there's such little information.


First off, I'd like to thank all of you that have shared information on this blog.  It really helps all of prospective teachers make a decision amid the lack of information provided.

I have read all comments and have to add a few inquiries.

The first is regarding pay and the banks used.  Once you are paid, are the funds deposited directly into your respective domestic accounts?  Or rather must one open an account is Saudi?  If a new account is necessary in Saudi, is one able to transfer funds to their domestic account(s) easily? 

Sorry for the question, but I like to be clear on the bottom line, among other things.

Additionally, for those of you that have been in Saudi and teaching at PNU, would you mind shedding some light on the following:

- Workload: quantity of classes per day/week/(semester?)
- Number of students per class
- Additional administration duties, if applicable (besides marking and class preparation)
- Actual work hours per week
- Getting around the city in order to: go to work, buy necessities, etc. (hey I'm from Los Angeles, it is beyond my wildest dreams NOT to drive.)
- Housing:  How are the accommodations?  internet? Heating? water? gym? it reasonable? 
- Cost of food:  expensive/affordable?
- Rating of over all experience on a scale of 1-10 and why...
- Anything else I've failed to mention...???...

I'd appreciate any and all feedback!




BruinGirl wrote:

First off, I'd like to thank all of you that have shared information on this blog.  It really helps all of prospective teachers make a decision amid the lack of information provided.

I have read all comments and have to add a few inquiries.

The first is regarding pay and the banks used.  Once you are paid, are the funds deposited directly into your respective domestic accounts?  Or rather must one open an account is Saudi?  If a new account is necessary in Saudi, is one able to transfer funds to their domestic account(s) easily? 

Sorry for the question, but I like to be clear on the bottom line, among other things.

Additionally, for those of you that have been in Saudi and teaching at PNU, would you mind shedding some light on the following:

If you are going to work for Adwaa you must know that they are not the best employers. I have heard horror stories from people who worked for them . I was supposed to work for Adwaa and I am glad I didn't .

- Workload: quantity of classes per day/week/(semester?)
- Number of students per class
- Additional administration duties, if applicable (besides marking and class preparation)
- Actual work hours per week
- Getting around the city in order to: go to work, buy necessities, etc. (hey I'm from Los Angeles, it is beyond my wildest dreams NOT to drive.)
- Housing:  How are the accommodations?  internet? Heating? water? gym? it reasonable? 
- Cost of food:  expensive/affordable?
- Rating of over all experience on a scale of 1-10 and why...
- Anything else I've failed to mention...???...

I'd appreciate any and all feedback!




Oh, about the banking: SBC will open an account for you and deposit your monthly salary there (or whatever portion of your salary they've decided to pay you, remember).  You need to transfer the $ to your home acct each month, which isn't too hard (unless they haven't paid you).


louisaf wrote:

Oh, about the banking: SBC will open an account for you and deposit your monthly salary there (or whatever portion of your salary they've decided to pay you, remember).  You need to transfer the $ to your home acct each month, which isn't too hard (unless they haven't paid you).



- your post sounds horrific. Im to start soon with SBC at PNU and feel reluctant to say the least after reading your post. My goals were to gain Saudi experience, make money (!!!) find input to write and teach young women - but not go through a nightmare - of course not. you advise against working with SBC - is this still current...?:/