
Looking for a counsellor / psychologist


Hi there

I am trying to help a friend find an english speaking expat counsellor/psychologist who can help deal with a recent diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

Would appreciate if someone can recommend one in Riyadh.

Also open to online counselling over Skype etc with someone from overseas, but someone that comes recommended, as google has a large number of them and don't know which one to choose.

Appreciate any help with this.

See also

The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaHealth care for Expats in Saudi ArabiaTrying to Conceive -Need good Doctor/Hospital



Hi UziKhan,

I have just arrived here for a few months work, Telecoms.

I am a trained counsellor/psychotherapist, and noticed your request for help.

I may be able to recommend someone who could work over Skype from UK, very experienced, and also know a practitioner of the Lightning Process, which has been very effective with severely affected ME sufferers, and is also supposed to be of great benefit to MS and other pain/exhaustion conditions by engaging underlying psychological processes. I have witnessed very dramatic fast improvements in ME sufferer.

It is just possibe that I may be able to help, but my time here is too limited probably, and your message was about a year ago, so life has maybe moved on now.

I am really sorry to hear of your friends distress, learning of, and living with MS. I imagine it may feel very frightening, that so much could change, and feel vulnerable.

I wish the very best for you both,



I work for someone who refers people to a good psychologist. If you're serious in your search, please PM me. Thanks. :)

Peterson John

Dhyan Summers, Expat Online Counseling ( and Coaching Services provides the English speaking international community solutions to the challenges faces while living abroad. Psychotherapy, individual counseling,marriage counseling services offered face to face online via Skype video phone around the world.


Can u suggest me a counselor....  Skype anywhere or personal in riyadh