
How can I move to Poland?


I'm a 24 years old physicist in North I'm Turkish,but also from european union because of I'm a real Cypriot.the things are really confusing here :P anyway..I'm a teacher,the money is good in here,I will gain I know if I stay here,but I'm not happy.I don't know why but I want to go far away from may say that I'm crazy,I understand.
I wanna move to Poland.I heard that friendly and smiling happy people living there with not much money.Can you suggest me anything?A little cheap flat and a nice job is all I want.may be in language school or something?physics teacher for turkish people living there?my english is fluent.I really don't know how I find a job...

See also

Job offers in PolandInternship in PolandSetting up a business in PolandWork in PolandBecome a digital nomad in Poland

Also in here(cyprus),the education system is all about money.I want somewhere that people living with their ideals..I really don't want to be a piece of it...


here in Poland everything is about money man. I don't know what you heard about here but about what you need as you said ( cheap flat ) there is no such a thing like that. lol rent here are almost same as new York. so its not cheap at all. and about a job the first thing that you need to know is Polish language which is you number one Challenge here, and then finding a good job is another story.
good luck