
what to do after arriving


Hi together,

Who is [moderated: no free ads] is a company that is made up of ex-pats who, when they first arrived in Munich many years ago, did not have any idea about registering in Munich, or getting a work permit, or finding a suitable health insurance, the list was endless. At the time we were told you need this and you need that, but we paid for things that we did not really need. If only we had of know then what we know now.

For example, having a suitable health insurance, some of us paid for the extra costs which we did not need, such as having a specialist doctor perform a standard operation. Or having full comprehensive car insurance for a car that was over 10 years old and worth next to nothing, when 3rd party fire and theft insurance would have sufficed. Who did we need to talk to about English speaking doctors in Munich? what about opening a bank account? Finding a suitable school for the children, who can help with that?

So many questions and so much paperwork to go through. If your a native German then this was a breeze, but for the usual ex-pat, then this was the long road to nowhere as we found out!!

We want to help people learn from our mistakes and be able to have a similar starting point as the native Germans do. So many foreigners do not understand that they too can get many of the government benefits as a native German does, such as tax savings or pension benefits.

80% of our clients are ex-pats who want to make the most of their time living in Munich, and the remainder of our clients are German natives who also want our help.

We deal exclusively with English-speaking clients throughout Germany.We also have a Swedish, Spanish and English team and we hope in the future that we will be able to provide other language based teams for our clients.

[moderated: no free ads]

Best regards


See also

Living in Munich: the expat guideNiederlassungserlaubnis application delayed- Munich AusländerbördeIs it possible to do the Anmeldung before moving in ?Moving to München need info about healthcare and accommodationPensions from UK

My family and I are considering moving to Germany. I was trying to find the best sites for schools for my children, work for my fiance he is a mechanic and very good. He specializes in foreign automotive, and I'm looking to attend a university. full-time and work part-time. As far as finding a home to buy i really need help on, daily expenses the works basically. my children ages are 11,7,1.2,4. Are there any test my older children can take now while we are here so placement for them won't be as difficult. Also how is race relations. We are african american and haven't really experience any problems in the us. you can contat me in email or here. thank you.