
what is our pupose in this life??

Last activity 12 July 2012 by haggishunter

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are we in this world for a pupose ??? is there any reason for us being in this life??


well it depends from wht religion u belong.. bt as been a muslim , we believe in life after if u have done good deeds in dis world , therz a heaven 4 u..this life is basically a stage , it depends hw good u perform




I used to think that the purpose of life was to learn and grow.  The nicer you are to other people the nicer they are to other people and that makes you a better person. 

Now I know that the purpose of life is to collect the most twitter followers.


Oh, that is depressing :-)

Alexell wrote:

Learning. Regardless of your religion.
You got enrolled in this school. If you have learned your lesson, you get to the next level (class); otherwise you repeat the course. Again and again. And again. And again. And...


We are here to learn and have fun.

I used to think life had to have a meaning...but is doesn't.

We are here and our physical life is temporary. That much we know.

Best enjoy the ride because it does end.


everything doesnt came from nothing , and there is nothing without a purpose espacialy this world and this life , look around you ...


I said life does not have to have a meaning.

The purpose in life is to learn and have fun. In other words...just live and experience.

It drives people crazy when you remind them they are temporary and that life does not have to have any meaning..other than what we choose to believe.

If what I say bothers you rest assured in 100 years no one will remember who I am and what I posted here.

So it does not matter. wink.png


Birth, death & rebirth. This is the cycle of life. This life is full of suffering, for example: hunger, thirst, illnesses, old age... etc. Your body is very beautifull, amazing & complex. But you know well what will happen if you are not educated, civilised & you dont take care of your body, take bath everyday.

After death of a human body, can you smell it after one week? Imagine the same body was so beautiful, we used to hug it, a person used to make love to it... & Now......

We come here empty handed & leave this world empty handed. All that we took, we took from here, all we must leave it here itself. No one took somethimg from here.

And yes, what we take from here is just the fruit of our actions that determine our next birth, the rest remains here.

The fruits of our actions are benefitted by our soul, whether bad or good.

Purpose of life: Do all good actions that will detach you from this cycle of birth, death & rebirth. On doing this you will achieve realisation, realisation of the supreme god. If you dont achieve that, at least you will be born in the human race, with a very good & spiritual life.

So do good actions with your thought, speech & actions



Live every day to the fullest.

Except when you watch TV, blog, twitter, play that sudoko thing, watch animal videos on Youtube, eat fast food...



Life is an examniation period. The purpose is to live as per the light of Islam. Results will depends, how accurately we follow the instructions. Above this all it depends on our thinking (Good or Bad)




we are doing our routine work daily. nothing more than that just we are going and going ........   smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngbig_smile.pngbig_smile.pngbig_smile.pnghmm.pnghmm.pnglol.pngmad.pngroll.png


If the purpose of life is to follow Islam then I've failed completely.  As has most of the world.

Then again I've completely failed to collect twitter followers.

And I don't even own a car!

I'm on the losing end of every philosophy. hmm.png

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

If the purpose of life is to follow Islam then I've failed completely.  As has most of the world.

Then again I've completely failed to collect twitter followers.

And I don't even own a car!

I'm on the losing end of every philosophy. hmm.png

You are in Hong Kong, why do you need a car?

I cannot believe you have no twitter followers.

If I was cool and did twitter, I would follow you. But alas I am not cool.


I don't need a car at all.  Parking here would be impossible.  But to people who think having the most toys wins, not having a car is terrible.

I stopped using twitter a long time ago.  I never got the point.


I was about to say parking would be crazy.

I have no problem with people making big money, but you can't take it with you,


We are here for a long vacation..So just enjoy every single moment that we have come across in our


The Purpose of my life is to spread Love & Harmony where ever i go where ever i stay to whom i meet and thats the virtual purpose Set by the Lord not to hate love & Respect to all


Yes, sometime I ask myself: what do I expect from this life?
If I don't know my goal, how can I reach it?
I am really don't satisfy about myself, sometime dissappointed ...
sometime I really thirsty of others' life, although I know it isn't good.


The sole  clearest fact is death. Why are we alive? Why did we do this? What will happen next?
What is the purpose? I believe life will pass while we are chasing the answers. Just enjoy every moment


Each one of us has a very unique purpose in life.  It's actually very cool to learn your own purpose -- I've done it through a couple of fun exercises.  Very inspirational and very, very easy.  The gist -- just think about everyone who knows you and imagine they are telling you the impact you made on them.  Write it all down and look for a common theme.  That's your life purpose.


learn all the time


hi maya.our life here on earth have live,learn and grow as a family and be together forver

ExpatForever wrote:

Each one of us has a very unique purpose in life.  It's actually very cool to learn your own purpose -- I've done it through a couple of fun exercises.  Very inspirational and very, very easy.  The gist -- just think about everyone who knows you and imagine they are telling you the impact you made on them.  Write it all down and look for a common theme.  That's your life purpose.

What you imagine people think about isn't always what they really think of you.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:
ExpatForever wrote:

Each one of us has a very unique purpose in life.  It's actually very cool to learn your own purpose -- I've done it through a couple of fun exercises.  Very inspirational and very, very easy.  The gist -- just think about everyone who knows you and imagine they are telling you the impact you made on them.  Write it all down and look for a common theme.  That's your life purpose.

What you imagine people think about isn't always what they really think of you.

The visualization I am referring to isn't about what people "think" about you -- but about what impact you've had on them.  There is a huge difference there.  It's quite powerful, actually.


It's still what you think, not what they think.  Unless you're asking them how you've impacted their lives.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

It's still what you think, not what they think.  Unless you're asking them how you've impacted their lives.

It is what YOU think -- but we all know how we impact others.  There is a sense that we get on our impact on people around us.

Maya_The_Light wrote:

are we in this world for a pupose ??? is there any reason for us being in this life??

One could only believe we are in this world for a purpose if one was religious, which I am not. That said, I enjoyed reading through the thread... it has some great ideas. cheers.png


I have came across these words and thought to share it with you here:

"The purpose of life is to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. It's about traveling down different paths of your life and making decisions. You will make some mistakes, as all of us do. We learn from them and grow stronger. It's about being true to yourself, standing alone sometimes when you really believe in something and not fearing retribution. It means to love those around you, help where you can, be known as a person that can be trusted and just do the best you can. If we didn't feel sadness we could never experience happiness; if we didn't get angry on occasion we would never know peace, and if we didn't trust our hearts we'd never know love. Yes, it's about pro-creating, but life is much more than that if you open your eyes, ears and heart and listen!"

The purpose of life is to recognize the creation and to be grateful for what we have We have got to think objectively about life smile.png




to survive, to suffer to love, and to learn.  To be true to ourselves avoid the negative and embrace the positive.  And i suppose the ultimate purpose it to create and do what you love.


Not that many years ago I thought life was all about getting as many biker chicks in my bed as possible.
That may have been fun but it was also wrong.

The real thing is making people smile.

A good few of the biker chicks smiled so I may have been half right before. big_smile.png


It's living each day as if it was you last. And telling your loved ones you love them every day, and your children that you are so proud of

And if your a parent....embarrassing your kids 24/7 whistle.gif
especialy if they bring home boyfriend/girlfriend {picture time]big_smile.png

JOJO86 wrote:


Life is an examniation period. The purpose is to live as per the light of Islam. Results will depends, how accurately we follow the instructions. Above this all it depends on our thinking (Good or Bad)



So far wrong.
Islam is wonderful and Allah is the light of everything but..

Get real mate. Pray all you like but you'll lead an empty life unless you get out there and enjoy it while trying to do good to as many people as possible.
You can be a good Muslim and have fun - lots and lots of fun.


If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. Oscar Wilde ...Well I'm more or less agree with (O Wilde). So,  i will say just say the truth, no more, and  if after reading ME,  (here below),  your subconscient are  ready to learn and to feel...The objective science. if not continue to be a "happy fool".

The reason  or the prepose of life in general -include the animals-is to serve the cosmos precisely the (MOON, and to help god by praying at least 1 time a day at the best 5 times... And finally serving ourself ( meditation).

P.S: Help the others when you are done with your egoistic (but legitime) work on yourself. The rest is  litterature..[/b]..

El_Jost wrote:
Maya_The_Light wrote:

are we in this world for a pupose ??? is there any reason for us being in this life??

One could only believe we are in this world for a purpose if one was religious, which I am not. That said, I enjoyed reading through the thread... it has some great ideas. cheers.png

mas fred wrote:
JOJO86 wrote:


Life is an examniation period. The purpose is to live as per the light of Islam. Results will depends, how accurately we follow the instructions. Above this all it depends on our thinking (Good or Bad)



So far wrong.
Islam is wonderful and Allah is the light of everything but..

Get real mate. Pray all you like but you'll lead an empty life unless you get out there and enjoy it while trying to do good to as many people as possible.
You can be a good Muslim and have fun - lots and lots of fun.

Agreed, as a Muslim I can say religion is one of purposes of life not the whole life, the heart should be pure and full of love but one should live his/her life to the fullest and enjoy every minute because it's only one life we'll get and life is short too.

Many people wonder about the meaning of life, the purpose of life and they waste their life searching for an answer. To me I feel my life has a meaning when I help those who need help, when I make people around me happy and when I travel to new places and see the beauty of the world.

The purpose of life is different from person to person and it depends on how you see things. One thing I'm sure of is all of us have the same purpose we want to be happy.


The purpose of life is to smile and make other people smile.

Buggar all point being a good Muslim/Christian/whatever if you aren't a good person.

mas fred wrote:

The purpose of life is to smile and make other people smile.

Buggar all point being a good Muslim/Christian/whatever if you aren't a good person.

our Purpose in this life? we only got less than 100 years to live!

Hericles wrote:
mas fred wrote:

The purpose of life is to smile and make other people smile.

Buggar all point being a good Muslim/Christian/whatever if you aren't a good person.

our Purpose in this life? we only got less than 100 years to live!

So, given the limited time, smile more.


think good, do good, feel good and be happy.

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