
Expected & Disappointed ?

Last activity 08 April 2012 by mhysis

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Hi guys,

what do you think of expecting?
Has it  made you often disappointed later on?


Yes, more than once. Especially when I moved to India. I had been here before and thought I knew what to expect. After coming here I just faced some serious disappointment when things were very different. Most of the time I try not to have expectations, but it's not always easy.


Yes, it's not easy.
Many times I told myself stop expecting, the more you expected the more you disappointed.


That's what birth control is for.


that's right


agreed with u.


I have always tried to keep the pessimist outlook: I always try to think of things as worse thanthey actually are , so that when something good happens I am really delighted. But yes if if I do start expecting something and then something else happens, I am really disappointed. I like to see the glass as half empty rather than half full , then I can really enjoy the outcome when it goes against what I expected. Twisted but it works:-)


I think this is all about learning process. You may get disappointed from things you have expected. But at the same time, during the expecting process, you learn how to make things go on as what you expect. Always think positive. You may fall down or get disappointed twice or even worse, but you will get more and more experience for ur future. Having dreams is the reason why we are alive. But again dont overdream/overexpect. You have to wake up to make your dreams come true smile.png


People will expect what will happen or what is the outcome especially after they have put in much effort in working something out..But you know life is unpredictable, so if the outcome or result is not up to your expectation..please do not feel upset..this is normal:)At least you have tried it..


I have learned over the years to expect very little or nothing from anyone because i dont like being disapointed. 



One thing I have learned about expectations. You are limiting yourself by putting parameters on possibilities.

I try not to put limits on what is possible.

Any outcome that you put an emotion investment in, will disappoint you.

As far moving to one country or another, if you are happy where you are you can choose to be happy where you move. That is your choice.

People and situations outside of us are not under our control. They can choose to be whatever they want regardless of what we think.

But we control how we choose to deal with it.


There's no problem with expecting as long as all the odd are even to you if that makes sense.


Lower your expectations and go with the flow...
I would like to be able to do that.


i think expectings and disappointments is all about adaptation.The less you expect the  less will you be disappointed.The more you expect the more disappointment you will have.It's all about seeing the good sides od every situation.As they say every disappointment is a blessing


Never expect, just hope.

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