Hi Dave,
Knowing the situation in Kathmandu, I think your question - though undoubtably honest - is not very realistic.
Very few families are visting Nepal, and although the ones that do are treated extremely well (Nepali people just love foreign kids) local hotels just do not have a focus on families with kids.
Also asking for clean green space and quiet... this is just not Nepal. Nepal is dirty, both Kathmandu and Patan are narrow, dusty, noisy, crowded and chaotic cities and green space in combination with hotels is found either in the top-class hotels or far outside Kathmandu valley.
Once you settle down in your own house you have plenty of options, but while living out of hotels you'll be toughing it out...
Sure you can find a nice hotel which will offer you two rooms situated next to each other for under 20 USD, there are plenty in the Thamel area. Kitchenettes you will not find in the hotels where you rent a room for under 20 USD, but there are plenty restaurants in Thamel where you can eat all you want for the difference of you pay for your rooms to the 20 USD /day you planned to spend on your living quarters.
Having that said, I'd suggest you find yourself a room in one of the better hotels (don't bother with reservations - plenty of free rooms this time of the year, and your price will be a lot better if you just show up and start negotiating then when you book in advance) for one or two nights, and start looking around for a more suitable place.
But you were asking for hotel names...
Kathmandu Guesthouse - world famous with every taxi driver at the airport - has the green space and would help you with your kids where ever you want. They are a bit out of your budget though.
Pilgrims Guesthouse - far less famous, and thus more difficult to find has an outdoor restaurant connected to the hotel, which gives the feeling of a garden in front of the hotel. No grass though, all stones, but plenty of green plants around. This one would fall within your budget.
Both hotels are in the Thamel area, and in Thamel you will find restaurants where you can easily feed your family the same food you'd be used to eat in Germany.
Hope this helps some...
All the best, and welcome to Nepal!