
BBC tv program

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Lucy Breakwell


I am a journalist on the BBC regional news programme in the North West of England - North West Tonight.  In the New Year we are looking at doing a small series about the North West ex-pat community who live all over the world. Realistically (with a small budget and the cost of air fares) we will be doing our filming in Europe!!!

There are a number of areas of ex-pat life we are interested in. Are there healthcare issues or consumer issues that affect you where you live now?  How does say, for example, the Spanish healthcare system compare to the NHS in the North West?

What are the benefits / pitfalls of buying and selling property abroad?  Do you have a story to tell? 

If you have children what is the education system like?  How do you overcome the language barrier? Do they miss their friends back in England?

We also want to find out how often you come back to the North West to visit friends and family?  Do you get things that you can't live without imported over from this country?  Do you run a business abroad?

Basically we want to find out what life is a like as an ex-pat living abroad.

So if you are from the North West or know anyone who is, drop me an email at

I would love to hear from you



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Hello Lucy - I have just watched BBC1 West "Inside Out" which was shown at 7.30pm UK time (Weds. 11th Feb) and part of the programme focused on the ex-pats who live in Toulouse and the pantomime that they perform each year.   This year it was "Sow White & the 7 Dwarfs".   It was sensational.   Can I suggest that you contact BBC West (Bristol).   The film showed the English way of life in Toulouse and also excerpts from the panto. 
I live in the NW of England and have a son who was in the panto in Toulouse.


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