Buying property in Niger
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Niger? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Niger? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for participating! Christine
Hi, u are welcome at Niameyyes you can buy a property in Niger,for items to verify go the city hallmy number ISAK 91823025/98969627 for help i can show u some property maybe one of them can take your attention, nice to meet you
Hi hustler,Thank you for your help!
you are welcome!!!
Hustler, Any new hotels in Niamey? Not referring to the old hotels - Gawaye and the one near the round about - name escapes me.What about good restaurants? Amandine was there but I heard it has closed down. Can you confirm please?Cheers
Hi sammymelder,You should start a new thread on the Niger forum. Thank you.