Yes, foreigners can buy property in the VI. As long as you can demonstrate that you can either pay a mortgage each month or if you pay cash that you can establish that the funds are legitimate there is no problem.
I believe it's a little more complicated than in the mainland as there are things here you have to pay attention to that you don't have in the states like cisterns (water retainers) flood zones, septic tanks, etc.
The first thing to do would be to hire a Realtor. They have an abundance of Realtors and Real Estate companies on island and they're all very good.
They use Attorneys here for closings: to look at the paperwork, monies and all the inspections.
I would hire an attorney to do all the work to be honest and I would have inspections on almost everything unless it was a home just built. There seems to be a problem with property lines too here. Frankly, without a surveyor, I don't know how you'd ever determine where your property line is as there is so much growth of trees, plants, vines, etc. And I've never seen property markers here (those are markers placed in the 4 corners of your property to determine the property line)