Christmas greetings

Merry Christmas to all our readers and members alike.
have a goodun.

Dave and Caroline

Thanks Toon, and lilek ukoll...

Hope everyone here does have a Great Christmas and that Next year is even better than this year..

Il-Milied it-tajjeb

Julian and Tina


Grazzi Toon.

My best wishes to all in Malta (and of course everywhere else) as well.

Whilst I miss being there it is great to know that this years seasonal frivolities will be spent with the family here in the UK despite the cold!

Enjoy everyone :):)

Hope everything is ok with the Family Mike and you have a great time.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

to all Expats whether in Malta or still on their way.

I hope to see you all well and healthy in the new year.

Best Regards

Happy Christmas, and thanks for all the help!

We will be driving down from the UK between the 29th and 1st, so wish us luck!!


good luck guys

Best Wishes to All!

Enjoy Your Meals! :)

Good Luck Jack, Safe Journey...

Julian (Ex. Milford Haven..:) )

Merry Christmas to all and may the coming year be filled with perfect health, love and joy!