Buying food in Melka

Hello dear expats :),

I am looking for some daily food to buy in Melaka, if anyone has an idea where to go !

I would like to buy cheese and fresh mozarella, and as bonus maybe some fondue or raclette :D! I have been in Tesco store buy they sell only crap emmental and dried mozarella for pizza ;(. Maybe when they finish Carrefour ? But maybe there is a european grocery some where....

I am also looking for good salami, saussage and ham, but pork meat not chicken XD~. Do you think it is possible?

Of and last but not least, if there is somewhere where it is possible to buy some japanese ingrediants. At Jusco, they have some but not that much too...

If you could give 1 or 2 advices would be great !


Falky...been here since Monday and shopped at both stores. Unfortunately not much on offer for us and have not seen what you seek. Did see Back Bacon but ham non existant.


;( sad... In KL I heard that it is possible to find, but Melaka seems difficult to find.

one should not have high expectation when living in Melaka heheheh..
Fresh mozarella you can fin it in Tesco cheng, maybe the day you were there, it was out of stock but generally you can always find it there..
Fondue and raclette you will have to see with the swiss community in melaka , they always bring louds of it when back from holiday hhhhhhh..
other the that you better take one day trip to KL for grocery shopping and you will find all what you miss here in melaka..fondue,raclette,asorted cheese, salami, ham , ect ect...

Good luck and welcome to Melaka

Geez, Falcon, I almost spit on my monitor laughing at what you wanted for "daily shopping".

This is Asia...and it's Malaysia.  Almost nothing you are looking for is going to be found but in only a small handful of stores in the entire country, if then.

It always amazes me that when Europeans come here they think because KL has some big buildings that their European needs and wants will be everywhere.

Most of the country is quite different from KL...quite different.

The last poster was right...take a day, run to KL and buy the salami, etc. that you want but prepare to be shocked by the prices.

zzchan wrote:

one should not have high expectation when living in Melaka heheheh..
Fresh mozarella you can fin it in Tesco cheng, maybe the day you were there, it was out of stock but generally you can always find it there..
Fondue and raclette you will have to see with the swiss community in melaka , they always bring louds of it when back from holiday hhhhhhh..
other the that you better take one day trip to KL for grocery shopping and you will find all what you miss here in melaka..fondue,raclette,asorted cheese, salami, ham , ect ect...

Good luck and welcome to Melaka

=o fresh mozarella ? great =P I have to take a look ! Yeah definetly have to take a look in KL... I have found some adresses there. Cheese and salami can be frozen and kept so...

MisterStretch wrote:

Geez, Falcon, I almost spit on my monitor laughing at what you wanted for "daily shopping".

This is Asia...and it's Malaysia.  Almost nothing you are looking for is going to be found but in only a small handful of stores in the entire country, if then.

It always amazes me that when Europeans come here they think because KL has some big buildings that their European needs and wants will be everywhere.

Most of the country is quite different from KL...quite different.

The last poster was right...take a day, run to KL and buy the salami, etc. that you want but prepare to be shocked by the prices.

Well =)... You are right. I saw big buildings in KL, and tought that it would be like Japan and Singapore. I tought it would be very easy to find everything I need even in Melaka without having to go far =D. I think it is because in Europe, cities with big building are not so common and even cities without big buildings you can usually find foreign food XD...

It is the first time out of my little country for living. But it is not that bad, I can find everything I need and I like. Only pork and cheese is difficult to find, and too bad I used to eat a lot of that~.

In Japan and Singapore you can find everything you want. Sometimes you have to pay..... A lot...

I have finally found a solution to my problem =D. Fondue and raclette cheese can be easy transported in the luggage. Salami, Ham & Saucisson sec too. So I go to Switzerland with the luggage full of Malaysian gifts and come back full of my daily needs XD hahaha. back at home, just need to keep them frozen until consumption. I use to eat 2 fondues a month, so 12kg of cheese please XD hahaha.

I use to eat 2 fondues a month, so 12kg of cheese please XD hahaha.

Hahahahaha.  You'd have to be almost wealthy to do that here...that's a lot of cheese.

Good luck in your new culinary adventures.

Next time you are in KL, check out the gourmet food store on the ground floor of the Bangsar Shopping Center.  Much of what you seek might be found there, but pricy.

I also found a small meat and wine shop in Damansara Perdana, that I will check, the next time I visit to see if they have any of your "wants" there.

Fresh pork meat you can find it in Melaka sentral , you can buy as much as you can as you seem to be a big "consommateur" of pork and cheese..hehehehe
By the way 12 kg a month of cheese, i wonder how do you look like a monster?? hhhhhh  just curious so next time i see someone with the same desciption around Melaka i know it's you hhhhhh

A monster a cheese XD...

Haha littoe confision. A fondue is 500 kg for two so 12kg is for one year...