Reside in malaysia

   Iam a Australian married to Malaysian.We currently live in Australia and want to move to Malaysia.My wife has family there so we have somewhere to live.But iam not sure if i can reside there and how to do it. If anyone know how to help me please email me as we are wanting to move.


Hi There

Yes you can live In Malaysia.
I am living here last 17 years.I Am Australian citizen.

End of Every two months you need to do exit to say to Singapore or Thailand (even just enter & exit would be sufficient) then come back so you will have another two months to stay no question asked.
You will be keep doing this. No question asked.

Sins you are married to Malaysian (she should know) you can apply spouse program to get to stay longer,need to go to Immigration and you need to be a bit patient then you will get a social visit couple years and you will be ok.

Unless if you able to work then you can get work contract to Immigration then you will have a work permit.
You do not need to ask an agent to do it for you. Trust me you don't have to.You do not get agent for this.

Good Luck

Hi NowHow
              Thanks for the infi. I take it that by saying Spouse Programe you mean spouse visa? and if possible do you know where the main office is to apply in person? Once applying for spouse visa does that permint you to say until decision is made or i still have to leave and enter malaysia?


I dont really know your age but you can apply for the MM2H program if you are 40 and above.

since your other part is malaysian so u can easily apply for the social visa initially u will be granted a 90 days visit visa and at the time of extension the lawyer of ur spouse will submit ur marriage certificate as registered in malaysian council of marriages then ur visa will be extended 1st time for 1 year then after this extension if there is no criminal case against u after that period of 1 year then u can get a visa for 2 years of the same category and after the expiry of this 2 years of visa means in total 3 years u can re submit ur case for permanent residence and u have gd chance to get it easily


Hello There,

Since your wife is a Malaysian, you could apply for a spouse visa cum with work permit. I applied for my husband 2 years ago and the process are very simple and the visa fee is also cheaper compare to Work Permit.

If you are applying for the first time, the immigration may only grant you for 6 months -12 months first. Later, when you renew your visa, if you are lucky, they would offer you up to 2-4 years (depending on the validity of your passport).

You could apply your spouse visa at any immigration offices. The ideal would be at Kompleks Kerajaan Bandar Damansara. When you arrive here, you could proceed to Level 2 (If I am not mistaken, or otherwise, just ask around..). Please go to the 1st Counter and you can ask the officer there on how / what documents needed in applying the spouse visa.

The officer will give you the checklist of all documents needed. If you follow the instruction and prepare all the documents needed, you could have the visa instantly or approved in 1 day!

Good luck
Mrs de RIJK

Check this site. This is the department of immigration in Putrajaya.