
Tricky love situation - your thoughts?

Last activity 16 February 2012 by missbeesy

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Ok, this may be lengthy simply because I want to give you all as much detail as possible. That way you can make a more informed... thought on this situation.

First, I'm a typical white man born and raised in the USA. A few months ago, I met a beautiful woman from Democratic Republic of Congo. After two weeks of talking seriously on a daily basis she admitted to being love with me. She seems to be EXTREMELY sincere. The trouble is, she's married to another man who is an American citizen but originates from DRC also. They have a young son together. However, he is physically and verbally abusive to both her and her son. He pays little to no attention to either of them. She's very unhappy. She told me that about a month before meeting me that she was praying to God that she could escape that situation somehow. She really wanted to go back to DRC but couldn't leave her son. (She doesn't have any TRUE friends or family here) Right now she is waiting for her new Green Card to process.
Now, her and her husband met about 3 years ago. She claims that she didn't know that he lived in the USA. She knew his family already. She says that she fell in love with him in the two week period that they spent together. (I find this difficult to believe, yet she seems to have fallen in love with me in the same time frame) Then he relieved to her where he actually lived. So they agreed that they would get married and then months later come back to get her.

I have so many questions. I mean just about her being here in an abusive marriage. But I have contact some legal people to advise me on that.
What about this falling in love stuff?? She says she had one boyfriend, then years later her husband now, and then me.
Do you think she really fell in love SO quickly? And even TWICE?
Something seems fishy, but she seems to be so sincere. I really want to believe her but I can't quite understand it.

What do you all make of this?


I did want to point out that we DO seem to have some unexplainable connection. We are often laughing about the same things for the same reasons. Thinking the same thing at the same time. There's been many times that I've been typing out a text and then before I finish, I get one from her basically asking or telling the same thing. We expect the same things in a relationship, and life. We have similar goals. Everything just seems to match and much of is just things that can't be faked - based on the timing. So something quite special does seem to exist between us. I just wanted to throw that out there.

Be careful with this situation. If she asks for money, end the contact ASAP. This happend to me 4-5 years ago, seemed sweet for a few days, but at the same time seemed a little fishy, it`s hard to fall in love over the phone. And don`t send money, or any of your banking info. Beware !!


Walk away! It has desperation written all over it!


it seems you are the one who in love to time alot time with her so you can be sure for everything...


Hello my name is David i am single and have talked to some like this on the internet most of them lead up to asking for money and i dont know if this what is happening in your situation but please be care ful and do not send money. 



I think most of you have misunderstood what's going on. We all live here in the USA. I know her personally - not just online or via the phone. Money is not an issue for her as her abusive husband makes more money than I do.


Seems to be moving too fast... better to take it slower


Question is, do you doubt that someone could fall in love with you so quickly? If so, why?  Do you have some insecurity issues?  If a man is sincere, I can assure you that a woman can fall in love very easily and very quickly. As for falling in love twice, a woman can fall in love over and over again. It is just that she will fall out of love as soon as anything that she had believed about the one she loved is exposed to be a lie
i.e.  she believed the guy she married was a good honest guy and then he turned out to be a wife beating asshole.

If you really feel that she is sincere, then she probably is.  You just have to decide whether that decision has been reached by the big or the small head!


Hi Zander,

If you say that her husband makes more money than you do, then definitely money is not an issue for her..neither is she trying to lure money out of you.

I agree with what purplepagan has said above...a woman can fall in love over and over again...think about it, I'm sure this is not the first time YOU are falling for someone. And falling in love doesnt depend on a time can fall in love in a month, a week, a day...!Man, i fell in love in 3 I didn't know before that a person can actually fall in love in such a short lapse of time.

Someone above said 'walk away, it's got desperation written all over'... would you be at peace with yourself knowing you walked away on someone who might be needing help, who is somehow trusting you and confiding in you.

Maybe you should start by asking her what SHE wants. Since she was the one who said she loves you (and I believe that you are falling for her too), maybe you need to know what she expects of you. Does she want you to help her get out of her marriage? Does she need you to help her go back to her home country? Does she wanna start over with you??

And besides, you might find a few things fishy but at the same time you say she seems sincere...YOU are the only one who can decide that are the one who can trust your instincts...if your heart says she's true, then maybe she is...but just go slow...take things one at a time..analyse her and the whole situation.

One lil advice though...DO NOT RUSH. Take things slow...just to prevent you from getting hurt in case the whole thing is fake and you end up getting emotionally involved.

If it's all sincere...then're in for happiness. smile.png


What a situation...   If I get your post right, you are both here in the USA so continued face-2-face meets may be worth your next few steps with deeper talks. 

I have a set of questions that I have used in the past to make a reasonable conclusion on what some have told me via internet chat/meetings... No need to get into the detailed question contents here but I do use the format of the "W's"

1. What?
2. Where?
3. Why?
4. When
5. Who?

you can complete the endings for each of those as you see/need....

...... at times you will also have a few "How's" that should be placed in your battery of questions.

My overall caution is on a different area than what has been posted here... You describe some features that may (...STRESSING MAY!) have a connection with her being of a borderline personality disorder (BPD) type.  Excluding any money needs, it is common knowledge that Individuals with this "dependent personality disorder" have clear needs.  The main thing you may want to evaluate here is the "need for attention & validation".  Unfortunately, many women that have been exposed to mental/physical violence have a battered self esteem as a result.

Your needs could include this realm of professional advice in addition to legal advice.

........ just like "hazzle11" said, "DO NOT RUSH. Take things slow"

Good Luck!


For what its worth, here's my advice.

If someone has a shitty life that they aren't happy with, someone else can't be the solution. She has to work her life out. I'd suggest telling her to cool off and if she's still interested she can contact you a couple of months after her divorce.

If she needs a friend, to help her get through the divorce, then you should walk away because if she does love you, you can't be that friend.

If you have feelings for her, you won't mind waiting until she straightens her life out. And if her feelings are real, she'll be able to sort herself out first and then still be interested in you.

Life is too short to get caught up in other people's crap.
And women who fall in love too easy owe it to themselves to stand on their own two feet... or who knows, she could be just as unhappy with you down the line.

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