Meeting new fun and open people in Martinique
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Hi everyone,
I am Myriam and just came back home after a few months period in Indonesia. I also have been travelling around abit and Im keen on meeting new people/friends, expats or not who want to share different ideas, life's experiences, organize activities or just gatherings. The key word is open mindset!!
Hope to hear from you soon!
I'm Max
Why not try our "English meetings" ! We are a group of French speaking people meeting from time to time in a lounge or a bar around Fort de france , having a drink and having a conversation in English.
I'm Stéphane,
I will arrive soon for my new job (after 4 years in SE-Asia) Your "English meeting" is a good idea.
How i could be aware of this networking (place and date)?
Hope to see you soon.
Hi my name is Adam and I have just moved to Martinique, been here for 2 weeks. I like the sound of you english meetings as I do not speak French at present and it would be nice to meet up and have a conversation and maybe get some advice.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for showing some interest for our "English Meetings" experience.
Of course you will deserve a warm welcome the day you show up.
As a matter of fact, we are presently planning our first meeting for the 2013 / 2014 session after a 2 months break during summer holidays.
It will probably be by the end of this month or the very beginning of October, in a hotel lounge or some friendly restaurant in Fort de France.
You will be the recipient of an email invitation as soon as we are ready.
Enjoy your Week end,
Max......for English Meeting Martinique
[Moderated: please avoid to post your personal details such as phone numbers on the forum for safety reasons]
Hi everyone,
I too am about to arrive in Martinique and I'd love to be a part of these English meetings! Please keep me in the loop!
Naomi :-)
Hi Naomi,
Would be great if you could join us
Wednesday 16th of october 2013, 19h-23h
Cocktail Snack Podium at «le Babaorum»
42 route de chateauboeuf, 97200 Fort-de-France
Food and beverages at will
Contribution: 18 euros
Reservation: Max 0696 23 32 47 / Karim 0696 54 43 10 //
How about diction as only trick ?
English Meeting Martinique
English speakers of all creeds and levels:
Come practice and share your language skills
The EMM Association organizes its first event of the season 13/14.
After a warm welcome of the fresh assitant teachers, a one hour podium will be held in the garden by our core members on the topic:
«Why do we talk?»
Engaging short videos will be projected, commented by our panel and your reactions addressed.
Great socializing spirit required.
Places are limited to 60
I will be in martinitique for job in December, I would like to know to register to English meeting and when ?
Thankingyou in advance
Hi Marieflore,
Anytime you want to join the "English Meeting Association",just call me : 0696233247 or email: or
Looking forward to meet you.
hi Max,
Thanks a lot, I will send an email, and will be happy to join the group asap,
Awaiting to speak to you
Have a nice day
I'm back from South Korea and Japan where I've been studying in an exchange program. Since I came back, I m trying to find some English native speakers or some English coffee (like in Seoul or Busan where I used to hang out on week end). It's really difficult to find this kind of places in Martinique, so if you have any information about associations or Facebook groups for example, please let me know asap.
Yoann Jeffrey CLOMBE
contact :
Good day
I am looking forward to meeting new people and enjoying everything Martiniqur had to offer.
let me know of there is anything going on this weekend.
Hello, we have meetings every two weeks with the English Meeting Martinique Association, but not always on weekends.. The next one is on Wednesday at garage popular. You can stay tuned on our fb page :
Is there a group for English speaking persons to learn French or participate in an exchange programme