Yeah Crasher, it's unreal. Maybe the kids will be okay, if they can figure out which behaviors to model. I assume their parents had nobody to look up to for guidance, other than their own parents and other VN. But the kids now, if they're exposed to foreigners, should be able to chose how they want to behave. I only hope the foreigners lead a good example and treat the kids well. I also hope that the foreigners are not so politically correct that they fail to deliver the proper message.
I completely disagree with the "let them be who they are, it's their country" philosophy. If you really want to help people,(give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime) then one should be concerned enough to deliver even the toughest messages without worry. For example, if you have children of your own, you don't tell them that everything they do is okay. You don't encourage failure by ignoring their bad behavior. I'm sure all parents agree that loving your children means being tough when you need to be, and hopefully never ignoring a behavior that must be corrected, for it's in the best interest of the child to help him grow and become a caring, responsible and successful adult.
If one allows the bad behavior to continue in VN, then they don't really care about the VN do they? Maybe they only care about their laborers in their factories and their profit margins. Maybe they like to take easy street because it's the path of least resistance. Most of all, it's the path that most others seem to take if they are "good/nice" people, so you're more likely to be accepted and acknowledged as a good person for smiling and looking the other way.
In reality, it's the brave few, that try everyday to correct their bad behavior and teach them that this isn't the way that people in the civilised world behave. (with some exceptions of course) And it is us who are told that if we don't like it, go home. A VN once told me that if I don't like it I should go home. I looked at her and tilted my head like a confused dog would, and I said, "this is my home" I don't understand why America can be your home, but Vietnam cannot be my home? What right do you have to tell me that? I'm married to a VN woman, and I'm residing legally in this country. The way I see it, just because I don't like something doesn't mean I have to pick up and move. I'd like to change it, and I feel I have a right and a responsibility to do so as this earth belongs to all of us. Why should we move on and allow it to stay like it is? Why can't we live here, and make changes that are positive for the environment, our local neighborhoods, society? I hate that attitude. I love to challenge their status quo, they just stare back at you and look scared. They have no idea what to do. They're taught to follow and listen, the important decisions in life will be made for them. You do nothing, you get nothing.