
Coffees in Ankara


I don;t know about Istanbul but cappuccinos are prepared without a coffee machine. I might was well just make coffee at home.

I went to a cafe, which later i realised was a cafe that specialised in potatoes (kumpir), and ordered a so called capucciono. They had just mixed some premixed instant cappuccino and served it... they hadn;t even mixed it properly... they then charged 5lira for it. I was shocked!!!! than i thought i shouldn;t have gone to a palce that speicalises in potatos and ordered a coffee....

The coffees at starbucks is nice but it;s charged at just under overseas rates... 5.75YTL for a tall (which is the smallest). But it;s nice and they use a coffee machine...

See also

Living in Ankara: the expat guideInstructional Design Volunteer Opportunities in Ankarasearching for foreigner friendsSchool transport in AnkaraMeeting in Ankara - practice Spanish language

You really have a serious problem dude:):) go Tschibo. I think their coffe is so delicious. They use machine and if Im not mistaken just 3 tl for the cup. Enjoy your coffe :))

Tommy Arts

hahahahaha,, I think I'm having the same problem mate, where's this Tschibo ?